Friday, February 29, 2008

A little of this and that

Please forgive the slow posting lately. Honestly, not much is news is being produced on the Nolen front these days. So here are just a few little thoughts I have:

~LOST continues to be the don't miss tv show for us. And last night's episode left us wishing today was next Thursday so we could see what happens. If you don't already watch LOST, I really think you would enjoy it. I am not usually interested in shows that require you to keep up with characters and different story lines, but this show is great. So trust me and start from the beginning. The first 3 seasons are available at your local video store. Watch them and then you can catch up with this season's episodes online or wait until summer when the dvds are released. It is worth it, I promise.

~The inside of our house is being painted. Actually, the painter "Cubby" started fixing some dry wall issues today and will start painting on Monday. We have been anticipating this for several weeks and due to circumstances beyond our control (the weather) the painting is just now under way. The strangest part for me is that all of our furniture is currently in the middle of each room. Not only does this look strange but it makes doing anything in any room a little more difficult. So I am practically lying on the bed while typing because the desk is pushed up against the bed. Anyway, we are excited to have this done. Our house will look so good and we can finally hang stuff on the walls. Thanks mom and dad for helping us with this project!
~This being the last day of February means that March Madness is coming soon. I am preparing for a 3-peat (or is that a 4-peat? I guess you loss track after so many victories) in the Dave vs. Amelia bracket contest. We always have fun with it, but best of all, basketball will be on tv all the time for a couple of weeks.

Well, I guess that is all, for now, from me. Maybe Dave will post a few of this thoughts his weekend.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day of Rest and Gladness

O day of rest and gladness, O day of joy and light,
O balm of care and sadness, most beautiful, most bright:
On Thee, the high and lowly, through ages joined in tune,
Sing holy, holy, holy, to the great God Triune.

On Thee, at the creation, the light first had its birth;
On Thee, for our salvation, Christ rose from depths of earth;
On Thee, our Lord, victorious, the Spirit sent from heaven,
And thus on Thee, most glorious, a triple light was given.

Today on weary nations the heavenly manna falls;
To holy convocations the silver trumpet calls,
Where Gospel light is glowing with pure and radiant beams,
And living water flowing, with soul refreshing streams.

New graces ever gaining from this our day of rest,
We reach the rest remaining to spirits of the blessed.
To Holy Ghost be praises, to Father, and to Son;
The church her voice upraises to Thee, blessed Three in One.

– Christ­o­pher Words­worth, 1862.

We are settling in nicely and getting a lot of stuff done and arranged to be done on our house, and both of our jobs are going good, but we are always grateful for a day of rest and an especially beautiful one at that.
~a and d