Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Words we don't say

There are many words that are not to be used in Joshua's classroom.  We are usually informed of the prohibited vocabulary by being told, "we don't say _________."  Lately Joshua has been trying to sneak some of the words in.  The following conversation occurred between Dave and Joshua on the way to school this week:
J: "Dad, do you know what my nap mat just said to me?"
D: "Your nap mat is taking to you?  What did it say?"
J: "Shut up!"
D: "Your nap mat told you to shut up?"
J: "Yes, and I just told my nap mat 'whatever.'"
Obviously "shut up" is a word we don't say and "whatever" has been something we are trying to teach Joshua never to say to an adult because it is disrespectful.  But you have to give him credit for creativity and finding a loop hole to use both words.
Also this week the Nolens have come to visit and meet Anna Ruth. 
Gran and Buddy are having a good time holding the baby and playing football with Joshua in the yard. 
When she isn't being held, Anna Ruth is often found sleeping soundly in her bed!
We are grateful for a good sleeper (at least for now).

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Super star and dress up

Joshua has been fortunate to participate in TOT (Teams of Tomorrow) at his school each week.  Last weekend was the long awaited "Shine Time" performance to show off the "skills" learned throughout the year.  Joshua had been very excited about the event and was proud that Anna Ruth, Coach, Nana and Uncle Tom joined mom and dad to see him perform. 
Things started off great and JP was globe-trotter-like until the band aid on his finger created a distraction that could not be overcome except to join the family in the stands. 
Concerned that he may not receive the coveted TOT trophy, Joshua convinced Dave to join him on the floor for the presentation ceremony.

Super excited to have received his first trophy from Ms. Tot.

Dave's comment: "Good thing the trophies are presented on the whole body of work and not just level of performance in Shine Time."
Nana and I had a good time one morning playing dress up with Anna Ruth.  We took a lot of pictures but only a few were what I wanted them to be.   
 Joshua got in on the dress up game too and put the cowboy hat on AR while Dave was holding her.  I have a feeling this is the first of many hats she will be forced to wear.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Anna Ruth!

We are so excited that Anna Ruth decided to enter the world on Sunday.  What an exciting Mother's Day present for me!
After much debate among Dave and myself we finally decided I was in enough labor to go to the hospital around 3:15am Sunday morning.  Dear friends from church came over and stayed with Joshua while Nana made her way from Jackson in the wee hours. 
The long and short of the day was: I was in labor and progressing "nicely" according to the nurse.  Then labor stopped.  Doctor started inducing labor.  Labor was super slow.  Hours passed.  Little progress made.  Hours passed.  Looking like a C-section was in order.  Suddenly Anna Ruth decided enough was enough at 5:56pm, 14 hours after getting to the hospital made a very quick entrance into the world that stunned us all.
She is, of course, perfect, all 8lbs 2.5oz of her.  (The first thing the doctor said as she was delivering Anna Ruth was "Wow, look at those cheeks!)
Joshua has been a champ of a big brother.  He got to see her Sunday night before he went to bed and came back on Monday to have a birthday party for her at the hospital.  He likes to kiss her and is trying to be patient while waiting for "her plug to drop off" (her cord). 
We came home Tuesday and are adjusting to all things baby girl.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement over the past 9 months.  We are grateful to be blessed with being the parents of such a precious gift.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Second Chances

Some of you may recall Joshua's first attempt at being part of a wedding party at my cousin's Trevor's wedding.  (see this post
Dave and I were amazed at the bravery of my cousin Travis and his now wife Whitney for asking Joshua to be the ring bearer in their wedding.  Joshua was initially opposed to the idea.  But then he realized that he could be like Frodo Baggins in Lord of the Rings, carry a ring and be a hero and he was in. 
The festivities started well as Joshua did not repeat his emotional breakdown during the rehearsal and in fact walked at lightening pace with is tongue out.  After a little coaching up on appropriate tongue placement and speed he assured us he was confident in his game plan for the wedding.
Pictures (as you will see below) were also, thankfully, not a repeat from last year.  Joshua smiled and looked cute. 
Joshua loves Gumby and Tanner and thinks he is as cool as they are.
Joshua knows how to ham it up for the camera and get a reaction from all the girls in the room by lovingly leaning into Travis's shoulder.

Last minute pre-wedding chat.

Going into the church and down the aisle.

Joshua made it down the aisle, at a reasonable rate of speed and with his tongue in his mouth.  He was quite proud of himself and loudly stated, when he got back to his seat, "I did perfect!  When is this going to be over?"
We were very proud!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It's May, Mama!

Aunt B came to visit and babysit us this past weekend while Dave was out of town.  She was a trooper and kept Joshua busy while I rested and relaxed.  She even had the glamorous job of cleaning old baby gear that has been stored in the garage for 3 years.  What a huge help!  Here are a few pictures she took of Joshua.

Joshua wants to play baseball so bad.  He watched as a very intense baseball dad had batting practice with his sons.

Joshua got to pick out 2 things at Dollar Tree for as a treat.  He now calls the store Dollar Treat.

Tonight as I was tucking Joshua in he looked at me and said, "It's May, Mama!"  I replied, "I know, today is May the 1st."  In an excited tone Joshua said, "That means Anna Ruth is coming!"