Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Baby Watch '08

Yesterday, November 24, 2008, our niece Abigail Elizabeth joined us at 2:13 in the afternoon. She is quite a cutie and both baby and Gloria are doing well. Abigail weighed in at 6lb. 4oz. and is 19.5 inches tall. As Chad quickly pointed out, Abigail has her Aunt Beth's feet...a little on the large side for such a little baby.

Abigail was very alert right after she was born and is already very photogenic, as you can tell:

Here is Abigail with her mom and two of her aunts (whom she is named after):

Abigail's 1st picture with the Gladney side of the family minus Uncle Dave:

I'm sure there will be more Abigail pictures to come as we will be spending Thanksgiving in Birmingham with her. Now I guess we move away from the Baby Watch '08 campaign and enter the Baby Watch '09 campaign.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Today's Photo Session

Today we had an appointment with the doctor that included an ultrasound. Joshua is about 29 weeks old. His head and his stomach continue to measure a few weeks bigger then 29 weeks. According to the fancy ultrasound machine and Dr. Witty's expert measurements, right now,Joshua probably weighs about 3 pounds 7 ounces. Although my due date remains January 21, it seems that the numbers and measurements may indicate an early arrival (only by a week at this point).
Dr. Witty cracked us up as usual with his "witty" (pun intended) comments. We are grateful for his attention to detail and his running commentary on the undeniable fact that an unborn child is a living person. We had a good time and enjoyed getting to see Joshua today.