Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The results are in...

We're having a baby boy!
After waiting on the doctor yesterday for over an hour to have an ultrasound, we have conclusive evidence that we are having a boy. My doctor was gracious enough to spend an hour and a half with us looking at the baby and watching him move around (wave, yawn, cross his legs, etc). We really had a good time and are very excited to know. We no longer have to refer to the baby as "the d.l.f." (dear little friend) Prince Caspian to find out where we got that name.
It's funny how people, even those we don't know, tried to guess if we were having a girl or a boy. The lady that sold us a rocking chair last week seemed pretty convinced after giving her furniture sales pitch that we were having a girl. One of my patients claimed that because of "how low" I was carrying the baby, it had to be a girl. To which I would like to raise a point of order and reply, I don't think I am big enough yet for someone to comment on whether I am carrying this baby high or low, but he is a grumpy old man and I didn't argue with him. But now that I know he is wrong, I'll be sure to clear things up with him next week.
Thanks for your continued interest and thoughts. We'll try to do something fun in the next couple of weeks that will leave us with some pictures to post next time.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Vacation with the Gladneys

We have been back in the "real world" for a week now after spending a week in Destin with the Gladney family. Vacation for the Gladneys includes a lot of sleeping, eating, sitting by the pool and playing games. There is the occasional time spent actually on the beach and of course an afternoon or 3 at the outlet mall. We had a great time and hated to have to come back to the oppressive heat of Mississippi.

Here Dad, Chad, and Beth are waiting their turn to play our new favorite game, ladder ball.

Here is Dave holding what looks like a marine biology class on the beach one evening.

Gloria and Beth practically ran down the beach to witness bridal pictures being taken. Chad later went down to check out the action.

The red and purple flags flew over the beaches all week. Thanks to a public service commercial involving children ages 8-12 yelling what each colored flag meant, we knew the "RED MEANS SURFERS ONLY!" and "PURPLE IS FOR DANGEROUS MARINE PESTS...BE SURE TO SHUFFLE YOUR FEET!" I don't think shuffling my feet would have kept a single jellyfish from stinging my legs, but the commercial was quoted often.