Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A budding artist

Dave covered Joshua's head with a burp cloth the other day before we went out into the blazing sun. We couldn't let that fair skinned bald-ish head get burned!
Joshua's newest favorite toy is an old cell phone. He loves it so much that he had to sleep with it the other day.

Joshua works on "masterpieces" 3 times a day at meal time. Thankfully he has stopped rubbing his food on his head and has instead started rubbing the food onto his table top.
We understand that in some parts of the country this would be considered art (that is not the case in Mississippi-we call this playing with your food and you should probably get a spanking for it) and in an effort to encourage creativity we would like to debut the art of Mr. Joshua Nolen. Here is a finished product. We call this piece "Sweet Peas and Pears." It is available for purchase.

The artist would like to remind you that only reasonable offers will be considered. Please remember that his art is not mass produced but made by his own two hands.

A note to our readers:
The Nolens are going on a road trip. We are going to South Carolina to visit family and will not be able to blog for the next week. Please keep us in your prayers and prepare yourself for a blog attack when we get back!
Love you all!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Beat the Heat

Joshua and I both are very warm natured and have been nicknamed "the space heater" and "the furnace" respectively by Dave. Over the past week with the temps somewhere near 1000 degrees we have limited our activity to one of 2 things:
relaxing in the pool and
finding ways to pass the time indoors-like playing with packing paper.
Stay cool!

Happy Father's Day!

Joshua is blessed to have a great dad!

Dad and baby before church on Father's Day.

Dave has been excited about having a baby since the day we found out we were pregnant and continues to daily express how much he loves being Joshua's dad.

Dave and Joshua enjoy time around the dinner table discussing the events of the day.
We love our dad!

Play dates from Jackson and Birmingham

Joshua and I hosted a play date last week for Abigail, Aunt Glo, Aunt B and Nana. Of course a fun time was had by all.

Being a true gentleman, Joshua debuted his new swimming pool for Abigail to try out with him. But a little work from Aunt B and me was needed first.

Everyone waited patiently while Aunt B and I prepared the pool.

Toes going in first wasn't so bad. Check out those awesome baby turtle swim trunks!

Sitting in the really cold water was not Joshua's favorite thing.

Once the water warmed up, both babies warmed up to the idea of sitting in it. We must apologize for not giving Abigail adequate notice about swimming at our house leaving her unable to showoff her stylish tank-ini.

No time spent with Aunt B is complete until she snuggles with Joshua until he falls asleep.

We were all worn out after our play date-but hope to do it again very soon!
(click here to go to the Hunsberger Herald site to see more pictures)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

5-months old

Joshua is 5-months old and there are some things that we love so much:

  • Soothie pacifiers
  • Zanzibar bouncer seat
  • Precious Planet playmat
  • Skype (for talking with Coach, Nana, Aunt B and the Hunsbergers)
  • Shout stain sticks
  • Diapers.com
  • The Diaper Champ
  • The Jesus Storybook Bible
  • Mylicon Infant Gas Relief Drops

No telling what the next 5 months will bring to our wish list!

Hmmm, what's this?

Joshua discovered several things this week.

One afternoon I found Joshua by the couch with a wet face. He rolled to where Dave had left a plastic cup on the floor and poured the contents on his face. Joshua did not want to let go of the cup for the rest of the day.
During "naptime" yesterday, Joshua pulled on the bumper in his bed until he could reach the ribbons that tie it to the bed rail. He untied 5 of the 8 ribbons. How he moved around the bed and untied the ribbons we will never know. But he certainly thought they tasted good.

"I love this cup"

"I'm ready for church."

"Mitchell Memorial Library, this is Joshua, may I help you?"
"My shirt says it all."

5-month bloopers

Joshua's desire to eat everything has again made it difficult to get a cute picture. You can see the progression in thought and his follow through in these shots...too funny.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An elephant, a game, and VBS

Joshua loved the new rocking elephant that Coach and Nana have at their house.

Joshua was very interested in the 1st game of the NBA finals.

Dad and baby time.

It is impossible to make it the 5 minutes home from church after Vacation Bible School without falling asleep (I can hardly make it in the house before I am ready for a nap too).

Fun news to report: Joshua slept thru the night 5 nights in a row! I even had to wake him to feed him before VBS a couple days.
Sadly, however, the streak has ended quickly with 3 am wake up calls the past 2 nights. We are hopeful and prayerful that Joshua is on the right track with his sleeping and will remember how great it was to sleep until after 5 am.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

On The Go!

This week Joshua can be described as "on the go." He is rolling everywhere and is more and more active each day. It is loads of fun but exhausting as well.

Joshua found his way under the bed while I was working on the computer. I couldn't find him for a minute but he gave his hiding place away by laughing.

Joshua went to a Little League Playoff game with the Edwards Monday night. He was going to wear his baseball hat but it is still a little too big.

Dave and I celebrated our 7th anniversary this week. We got to go out to eat while Joshua was at the baseball game.

Joshua loves to wrestle "Wally," a toy Nana gave him.
Joshua and I go to the library to eat lunch with Dave once a week. We usually eat on the 4th floor of the Atrium where there are tables and chairs. Joshua likes this spot because when he yells and squeals it echoes.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Good Night!

We heard Uncle Mike checks our blog every night before he goes to bed so we wanted to say, "good night, Uncle Mike."
Joshua also wanted to show off his dinosaur footed pajamas...he is ready for Thanksgiving at Camp Dawson!