Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vacay at the Camp

Again this year the Gladney family vacationed at Camp Dawson.  And it again proved great place for the kids to run and yell and play and swim. 

Anna Ruth sort of enjoyed being out at the pool.

"This is a really big bath tub!"

water babies

Little Surfer Girl

mandatory popsicle snack break

water guns are a must

"My future is so bright I have to wear shades!"

movie star baby

Synchronized diving with Aunt B

"Watch my karate kick jump. Hi-ya!"
Vacation at the Camp wouldn't be nearly as fun without the cousins.

pajama movie night

You know it is time to go home when they make you wear your bloomers on your head.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Super Hero and Cousins

The kids and I (Amelia) spent a week in Jackson so that Joshua could attend Super Hero Camp.  By all accounts it was as awesome as it sounds.  Joshua is currently refusing to have his picture taken so this is the only hero picture we got of him.  The other reality is that Joshua and Abigail never sat still enough for a picture while we were there...they played hard and fast!
Joshua loved camp.  His leader was "the real Batman."  They ran obstacle courses everyday and "did lots of things that I can't remember or don't want to tell you" according to Joshua.
While Joshua was at camp Anna Ruth and I got to hang out with everyone else.
She took a nap with Coach.

Played with Lottie

Loved on Luke

Enjoyed time with the little cousins while Joshua and Abigail were gone (Abigail went to Princess Camp).

Rode the famous Allie Elephant with Joshua

 We had a great time!

Friday, July 19, 2013

2 months

"This head is so heavy I just can't hold it up."
"Who is this strange person in my bed?"
"Now that I have my paci nothing can upset me!"

2 month check-up:
Anna Ruth is 13 pounds (4.5 pound weight gain in 6 weeks) and 22 3/4 inches tall (2 inch gain in 6 weeks).  That is 94% and 68% respectively.
Everything looks good!

Anna Ruth is sleeping 6-8 hours at night!
She smiled for the first time on 6/30/13 at Joshua and laughed on purpose at Nana on 7/17/13.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

week in photos

We tried all week to get a picture of Anna Ruth smiling, this is as close as we got.

Sibling Snuggle Time
(I think Anna Ruth looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid in this picture)

Only 51 days until kickoff
(but who's counting?)
Aunt B came to visit last weekend.  She and Joshua played with glow sticks and glow glasses in the bathroom (the darkest room in the house).
Cousin Tanner aka Joshua's favorite human jungle gym also came and spent a day with us.  The best way to sum up that day is that Joshua slept really good that night and I imagine Tanner did too.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Hello, My Name Is...

Joshua loves Anna Ruth.  He talks to her and kisses her all the time. 
It is only fitting then that she smiled for the first time while he was talking to her Sunday.  
I have been trying to keep track of all the names he has for her:
Anna Baby
Eyes Open (reserved only for the special occasion of Anna Ruth being awake)
Baby Grunts
Little Rascal
Little Lamb
And with cheeks like this, I think Cute is a good name for her.

In other news: Joshua completed the Toddler Splash Class Swimming Lessons last week.  He was awarded a certificate and medal.  The instructors suggested that Joshua repeat the splash class as "he is the tensest child I have ever worked with.  He will not relax."  I talk to Joshua about why he was so tense, especially when they were teaching him to float on his back.  He responded, "I don't want my ears to go under and fill me up with water."  Dave and I assured him that he would not fill up with water but he worked really hard to master floating on his back with his head completely above the water line.