Wednesday, December 28, 2011


The Sunday before Christmas, Joshua joined the other children in our church in singing a couple carols for the worship service. He knew all the words to both songs (see previous post) but stood silently on the steps of the sanctuary sucking his thumb. He was given a jingle bell to ring during Joy to the World and as he accurately described, "I even put the jingle bell in my mouth for a little bit." Dave and I count the event a success as Joshua did not cry nor did he behave in a way that would warrant a possible entry in America's Funniest Home Videos. We are grateful! And if nothing else he looked cute in his toy soldier shirt.

The weekend of Christmas we visited Jackson for a few days. We were blessed to be able to eat with many members of our Mississippi family at lunch on Christmas Eve. It was delicious!

Joshua certainly is not lacking for attention in Jackson. Monica Lee and Tanner tried to teach him proper technique and form with his new bowling set but he still has a long way to go. Joshua was also pleased to receive a new scooter and a LeapPad while in Jackson!

We returned home Saturday afternoon so that we could attend the Christmas Eve service at our church and have Christmas at home. Knowing we had to be at church early on Christmas Day we decided to wait to open gifts until after church. Joshua got to enjoy what Santa brought before church.

Joshua showed equal excitement for the beloved Handy Manny doll as he did for the new toothbrush in his stocking. "Oh look, a new toothbrush! Let's see what's next, it is...SOAP!"

After having lunch with precious friends from church we returned home to take a nap. Joshua was extra patient and never complained that it was nearly 4pm before we opened the 1st gift. (Please forgive the pictures but he refused to wear pants while opening presents.)

A favorite gift was a guitar from Gran and Buddy.
Joshua had a blast opening presents. He opened all but 2 or 3 presents under the tree...mine and Dave's included. He would say, "Let's see what is in this box for you mama." It was sweet to see him grateful for every present from socks and clothes to dinosaurs and guitars. And let's not forget the new Yoda backpack!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Coach Camp 2011: Christmas Edition

Joshua is participating in Coach Camp this week. It began yesterday when Nana picked him up in Starkville and hit the road back to Jackson before the sun came up. Pre-camp festivities included a trip to see Santa, lunch at McDonalds and play time with Abigail and Luke.

Camp started with a crowd pleasing supper of hotdogs and smores. Crafts were next on the schedule where Joshua made candy cane and Christmas tree ornaments

A Christmas movie with delicious popcorn was next on the agenda.

At camp you always have to make sure your bunk is ready before lights out.

One last snuggle with the camp director before bed.
Thanks Coach and Nana for hosting Coach Camp and allowing Joshua and Abigail to make some great memories and their parents to have a few quiet nights.

(Photos provided by Coach Camp, Inc.)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Here We Come A Caroling...

Joshua: "Mama, what do you want for Christmas?"

Amelia: "I don't know. What do you think I should want?"

Joshua: " Maybe a lion."

Amelia: "Oh, that's a good idea! What do you think Dad wants for Christmas?"

Joshua: "A fish."

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sights and Sounds of Christmas

We found a beautiful tree for our house last Saturday evening. We were all excited about getting it set up and decorated. 24 hours after the tree arrived home, Joshua began to have a barking cough. He is obviously allergic to real Christmas trees. The beautiful tree is now displayed outside on our front porch after spending a couple days in our garage. Joshua's cough has started to lessen.

But the excitement does not end there. Joshua has a Christmas tree in his room. He could not be more excited about this tree. It is decorated and "so so pretty and beautiful" as Joshua likes to describe it.

You can see how excited he is...

This is the first Christmas Joshua has been able to semi-comprehend what all it going on. And this new awareness has brought some funny quotes with it.

After we got our his toy nativity set Joshua told me, "Mama, this baby Jesus is broken. It's eyes don't close and he won't go to sleep. He 'posed to be asleep on the hay not awake."

While looking at Christmas lights, "Mama look a baseball sock on that tree!" referring to a large wooden stocking.

Today he came home from school talking about "Ruddog the Red Nosed Reindeer."

And then Dave's favorite quote of the week, which is not the least bit Christmas related but good none the less. While getting a bath, Joshua asked Dave, "Dad, what does Luke Skywalker do?" Dave responded, "How did you hear about Luke Skywalker?" In a very matter of fact tone and with all confidence Joshua replied, "At my work, I saw him. He was my friend."

ps...don't worry...we are already looking for an artificial tree

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Come Ye Thankful People Come

What a blessing to be allowed to use a friend's lake house for our Thanksgiving celebration. We had such a good time hanging out with our family and enjoying the perfect weather God provided in Louisiana.

As if being around family and celebrating Abigail's birthday wasn't enough fun, there was a zip line! Please enjoy the following 2 sequences of pictures.

And now Abigail's turn

By the end of the weekend, the kids had gotten brave enough to ride the zip line with very little assistance.

And a rope swing...are you kidding?

beautiful cypress trees in the lake

pre-Thanksgiving sunset

We are thankful for Hope, our resident photographer and her willingness to take a bunch of pictures for us.

We are thankful for climbing trees.

We are thankful for laughing with Coach.

We are thankful for reading books with Abigail.

We are thankful for Abigail being 3 years old!

We are thankful for Tanner and his willingness to play with us.

We are thankful for God's creation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Fall Day!

At our house, you are never too young to rake the leaves

and never too old to jump in the leaves.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Quotable Quotes

Joshua: I like your shirt DadDad."

Dave: "Thank you."

Joshua: "Yesterday when I was a little boy, I looked for a shirt like that at Alabama-sippi State and I couldn't find one."

Joshua: "Mama, I want a finger cutter for bussert pwease."
Translation: "Mama, I want a Butterfinger for dessert please."

Super Boy sporting his fresh new hair-do!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Twick or Tweat!

Joshua loved being a St. Bernard a few weeks ago at our downtown Pumpkin-paloosa. He especially enjoyed the "football" under his chin. And let's face it, he is over the top cute!

Then last week he came home from school asking to be a "carrot"for Halloween. He maintained that no one suggested he be a carrot only that he needed a carrot costume. Those of you who know me know that I am not a mom who makes things. But in the spirit of creativity, I "made" a carrot costume out of fleece, Wednesday night. Thursday, Dave and I looked forward to taking Joshua trick or treating on campus as a carrot. But alas the carrot costume was rejected-sight unseen-and Joshua the Dog went to campus.

Joshua played the "I'm scared" card numerous times on campus and surveyed each sorority house from a nearby lamp post before mustering the courage to allow Dave to hold him and walk him to the door for candy. Maybe St. Bernards aren't known for their bravery.

Monday morning came around and Joshua got to wear a costume to school. With high hopes that my carrot creation would be chosen as the costume to show off to his friends, he again chose the dog. No hard feeling.

Monday night and trick or treat time rolls around. Joshua finally puts the carrot costume on. He and I both quickly realize just how bad the costume is and he looks up at me and says, "Mama, I want to be a dog." To which I replied, "I would too, Joshua."

Joshua loves Diego so the pumpkin was certainly a hit.

Joshua ran around our yard most of the evening welcoming trick or treaters and wishing them "Happy Halloween." We enjoyed the beautiful night and had fun greeting our trick or treaters.