Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The High Flying Baby

Joshua has come to love "flying." Nana seemed to know exactly how to get him to smile and laugh this weekend. Although Joshua is blurry in a couple pictures you can tell by his open mouth that he is sqealing with delight.

Joshua Nolen, church member

On Sunday, Joshua was baptized, signfying his membership in the visible church, and making us eagerly await the day he comes to salvation and membership in the invisible Church. We were really excited because Joshua's "Buddy" (Dave's dad) was able to come baptize him, making him the second generation of Nolens baptized by Buddy. We had a great weekend visiting with family. Enjoy some pictures from the day.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Surprise...It's GG's birthday!!!

Dear GG,
Happy Birthday!
I hope you like the picture we sent you. I was in such a good mood this morning when my mom told me it was your birthday, I couldn't quit smiling. I wish I could have been there to surprise you in person, but this picture of me looking like I'm at a surprise party is as close as I could get. I hope that you had a great birthday. I can't wait to see you person.

I love you,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our week in review

Photos from our week:
This past weekend was Super Bulldog Weekend in Starkville. In honor of the festivities, Joshua wore his bib backwards as though it were a cape. (Dave thinks this picture looks like his cape failed and caused him to crash land face down.)

Joshua likes to think he is a big boy by preferring to nap on a real bed (not his crib) on a pillow with the covers pulled up. Here is how he ended up taking his Sunday afternoon nap-after he crowded me off the couch.

Saturday we went to the Cotton District Arts Festival downtown. There was a lot going on and tons of people. But not enough that Joshua didn't fall asleep for the second half of the festival.

Joshua is growing quickly. He has started to outgrow his 3 month clothes, especially those with feet. So this week we have washed some of the 3-6 month size clothes. Here he is modeling a sleepwear ensemble I have dubbed "vegetarian dream."

Joshua has always been a good sleeper. However, in the last 2 weeks he has decided that waking up at 5 or 5:30 is not as fun as waking up 2 or 3 times before the usual time. So this picture signifies what we hope returns to our home between the hours of 1 am and 5 am.

Upcoming events sure to produce blog posts:
  • April 26th: Joshua's baptism
  • May 10th-16th: Road trip to see Greatgrands in South Carolina

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

0.25 years of age

Yesterday, Joshua turned 3 months old. Dave and I have learned a lot since becoming parents. We now know: -I wake up at the quietest baby peep and Dave sleeps through the loudest baby cries, -It is possible for 3 people to require somewhere between 4 and 9 loads of laundry a week and as many, if not more, trash bags, and -Bibs are the world's most useful invention.

We certainly have volumes of information still to learn but this is what we know about Joshua so far:
-He loves to smile. Uncle Mike described it best when he said, "he is so liberal with those smiles." Joshua will smile at us, strangers, pictures on the wall and himself in the mirror.
-He loves to take a bath. I am becoming suspicious that he knows I can't stand a smelly baby and so he intentionally gets dirty so that we are forced to give him a bath.
-Joshua loves his bouncer seat. Besides being held, there is no other place he would rather be. At times he uses it for napping and other times he uses it as exercise equipment churning his legs until he spits up or is so tired he falls asleep.
-Joshua loves Dave. Dave has to leave the room while I am feeding Joshua because Joshua gets so distracted looking at him and smiling.
-Joshua is quickly giving up the pacifier for the more permanently attached thumb. (see picture below)
-Joshua loves to snuggle-which is a wonderful treat for us!

Easter basket fun! Included a frog puppet, socks that look like sneakers, 3 books, a teething toy, and BumpyName Orbit Labels (for his bottles/cups). Be sure to check out Easter pictures in the post from Sunday.

Who needs this paci when I have two thumbs with me all the time?

The frog puppet from Joshua's Easter basket knows how to sing "Skinamarinki Dinki Dink"

Joshua figured out this week that his play mat is not just for lying on but the toys can actually be played with.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

12-weeks old

Joshua has definitely been "king of the road" in his 12-weeks.
Last weekend we went to Jackson for Joshua to meet Aunt Gay. Aunt Gay travelled from Fayetteville, Arkansas to visit for the weekend. Since we don't get to see her often, the Birmingham crew came as well. So we had a great time with all of our Jackson family and Birmingham family. What a treat!
This week also marked a sad event-the end of college basketball season. Joshua has been showing minimal signs of withdrawal. We have tried to encourage him to stay positive but it is hard when for the entire 12 weeks of his life it is the only sport he has known. I am sure baseball and football will quickly become just as mesmerizing to watch on tv as basketball.

We hope you have a blessed Easter!

Enjoy some pictures from our week.

Abigail showing Coach how to have tummy time:
Joshua and Aunt Gay sharing stories:

Snuggling with Aunt Gay watching basketball:

A family photo and then a closer look at those awesome sock/shoes:

Mr. Smiles-A-Lot:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

11-weeks old

April Fool's Day brings with it Joshua's 11-week birthday.
This past week, Joshua attended a Ragtime Jazz Festival concert at MSU. Dave and I weren't sure how he would react to the loud playing of 2 pianos, but Joshua, unimpressed with the talent, slept through most of the concert. I think it still counts as a cultural activity even though he was asleep.

Joshua did great in the worship service again this week. He slept quietly for a majority of the service. Dave took him out toward the end after he woke up because he started grunting and pushing as though he was working on what we call a "prize pack." Often prize packs are not quiet experiences and I was really nervous that we would have distracting sounds coming from our row. Thankfully after church everyone commented on what a good boy he was and how impressed they were with how quiet he stayed throughout the service.

Nana stayed with us Monday night and kept Joshua while Dave and I went on a date. It was nice to get out and be away for a few hours.

Joshua does not take long, regular naps during the day. Mostly he cat naps for a few minutes. Last week he fell asleep in my arms and this was the position he was most comfortable in when I put him down. Sleeping in this position is something that he got from Aunt Beth and me. We both prefer to take naps like this.