Wednesday, June 27, 2012

In Name Only

Joshua Patton Nolen
Ring Bearer

Looking sharp in his wedding attire!

The flower girls were loving every minute of it.

The beautiful bride; so calm and relaxed.

The ring bearer asleep during the ceremony.

That's right...the ring bearer...slept through the ceremony.  After a Friday night rehearsal full of tears and crying and a complete emotional breakdown prior to the wedding we pulled Joshua from the line-up.  He enjoyed a much needed power nap down the hall.  Notice his foot peaking out from under the coat/blanket...a sure sign of deep sleep for this little guy.

Trevor and Jessica were married and the party began. 

Joshua was energized by his nap and enjoyed the celebration with Aunt B.  He even allowed the photographer to take some pictures of him.  Can't wait to see them.

Trevor and Jessica were gracious to ask Joshua to be a part of their day.  They showered him with Star Wars action figures as a thank you for his help.  Dave wisely identified the grace Trevor and Jessica showed Joshua...unmerited favor...getting the opposite of what we deserve.
Welcome (officially) to our family Jessica!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Recently I heard...

"Mama, allergies make us sick and sometimes germs.  But God heals us so we aren't sick.  Like he healed me when I throwed up at Donuts with Dad at my school.  Curious George was sick from germs because he didn't wash his hands." 

"Dad, I took off my pants because my legs needs to rest."

"Hey mama, look at me.  I am a good guy soldier.  I shoot people!"

Our first attempt at ring bearer duties is this weekend.  We took Joshua to our church tonight so he could practice because earlier this week he said, "Mama, I feel a little nervous about helping Trevor in his wedding."  Tonight after our practice he said, "I don't feel very nervous anymore."  We are hoping for a good showing.  I'm sure there will be pictures and stories from the exciting wedding weekend in next week's blog...stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More Star Wars tales

Dave has set up obstacle courses for Joshua to practice fighting. Joshua believes he is receiving Jedi training like Luke Skywalker.


Should I be concerned about the apparent chopping taking place after the attack?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Joshua's current favorites:
song: Nothing but the Blood of Jesus (recently sung at the top of his lungs from bed) followed by "the Darth Vader Song" (recently hummed at a loud volume while sitting in church waiting for the service to start)
movie: Star Wars
toy: light sabers
sport: baseball (similar swing to a light saber)
book: Star Wars ABC
topic of conversation: Star Wars battle scenes
game: Storm troopers using blasters to fight Darth Vader and his light saber

Joshua is obsessed with Star Wars and Dave couldn't be happier.