Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A photo review of the weekend

Joshua and Abigail catch up while lounging in their empty swimming pool

Aunt B and Joshua enjoying the playground

"This really is fun, even though my facial expression says otherwise."

The "big boy" swing

Playing ball in the pool.

Nothing like a popsicle to cap off an afternoon swim.
I love the Joshua is not holding the popsicle stick but the actual popsicle itself.

Playtime with Gumby

The furniture store near Coach and Nana's house has a huge carousel.

Aunt Glo and Abigail enjoyed their ride.

Joshua wanted the horse to go faster.

The furniture store also had a basketball court.

So the babies enjoyed a quick game of one-on-one before heading home.

It is always fun to play with other people's toys.
And Abigail's baby doll was no exception.
But for some reason, Joshua only ever wanted to poke her eyes.

We had a great weekend in Jackson.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Barkyard Fun with GG

This past weekend was Super Bulldog weekend here in Starkville. Not only were there many events all over town but GG, Uncle Tom and Monica Lee were here too. GG spent the day with us on Saturday while Uncle Tom and Monica Lee enjoyed the baseball game and football scrimmage.
Joshua loved having a play-day with GG.

Joshua talking to his backyard friend, Pete (a.k.a. Miss DeeDee's dog)

GG made Joshua a necklace

He wore it for about 10 seconds and then ripped it off his neck and threw it on the ground.

Huffing and puffing

"I wonder what this tastes like."
(Shortly after this picture was taken, I had to fish the dandelion out of Joshua's mouth.)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

1.25 years of age

Today Joshua is 15-months old!

I was trying to think of how to describe Joshua in one or two words but it really isn't possible. He is active, rambunctious, purposeful, inquisitive, loud, quiet, sweet, defiant...and somehow, at times he is all of those things at once!

Practicing sign language

As always Dave and I learn new things and/or relearn old things everyday. For example, we know now:

  • You don't have to be 2 years old to throw "terrible two" style temper tantrums. Joshua literally throws himself on the floor and rolls around screaming when he does not get his way. He will stop immediately if he gets what he wants. Lord have mercy!
  • Joshua's lack of verbal communication is quickly becoming frustrating for all of us. We are grateful that he has learned to sign some words and hope that he will decide he wants to talk soon.
  • Joshua has transitioned to having his beloved paci at nap and bed times only much more easily than we thought he would. As long as we don't say the word paci and he doesn't see one, he is fine. Dave and I now refer to his paci as his "bff" as our codeword.
  • Anyone who says that throw up isn't disgusting when it is your child's is telling a lie. It is disgusting!
  • Joshua loves tomatoes and black olives.
  • Even daycares have fund raisers. We are selling cookie dough right now. The child who sells that most cookie dough gets a tuition free month of daycare. If you love cookies and want a tub of cookie dough-call Joshua and he'd be happy to process your request. Otherwise, Dave and I might send him door-to-door in order to beat out the other kids for the grand prize.

Fake sneezing

  • Joshua loves to fake sneeze. We will be sitting at the dinner table and he will "sneeze" and then laugh at himself. The video is not an example of his best sneeze. Sometimes I think he surprises himself at how realistic he sounds.
  • Joshua likes to fold his hands when we pray and he claps when we say "Amen".
  • Dave loves to hide behind a door and jump out to scare someone and lucky for him, Joshua loves to be scared.

  • Joshua loves to throw things...anything. Here is the last video of the day where a sweet game of "put your friends in the chair" quickly turns into a one-sided wrestling match.

Life is never dull and who wants it to be? We recently heard someone say, "Parenting has to be about walking in the grace of God." Wow, that is true! We'll keep walking and keep posting our updates. Thanks for coming by.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Totally Tubular

Monday was the day of reckoning for Joshua's recurrent ear infections. We pray they met their match in outpatient surgery and Joshua's new ear tubes. It was an early morning but the surgery lasted 15 minutes and by 9:15 we were on our way home with a groggy little boy. Dave and I both felt like things could not have gone better at the hospital. Even though Joshua is terrified of anyone in scrubs and screamed and kicked just having his id band looked at by a nurse, he did really well. We are thankful to be on this side of the procedure and hopeful that it will alleviate Joshua's discomfort.

Checking out the hospital baby bed.
(notice the very cool monkey pajamas that Joshua got in his Easter basket)

Joshua did not seem to mind the hospital gown they made him wear. He absolutely hated the id band they put around his ankle and tried to pull it off the entire time we were there-that is what he is pointing to in the picture.

(Be sure to see the Easter post from today too)

Easter Happenings

We attended the Egg Hunt hosted at the MSU President's home for the children of faculty and staff last Thursday. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon and LOTS of people were there. Joshua had been practicing picking up eggs and putting them in his basket for a couple days at home. But when the cowbell rang signalling the start of the hunt, kids went everywhere and within seconds the eggs were gone. Thankfully, in the ages 0-2 hunt, lots of kids shared eggs back and forth allowing some of the smaller ones to pick up several eggs. Joshua seemed to have a good time. I think his favorite part was riding the shuttle bus up to the house.

The yard where the 0-2 year olds "hunted" eggs.

As you can tell from this picture, neither Joshua nor Dave were quite sure what to think about the Easter Bunny.

SUCCESS! We got an egg.

Sorry for the bad picture, but Joshua loved his Easter basket.

Easter Sunday on our way to church.