Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Job Opportunities...

When Joshua grows up he might want to be a veterinarian or maybe a dog trainer.

When Joshua grows up he might want to be an exterminator.

When Joshua grows up he might want to be a telemarketer. (Sorry for the shot from behind, but if Joshua sees the camera he comes straight for it.)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

uh oh

We went to eat at Ruby Tuesday last Friday night. Joshua's high chair was pulled up next to Dave and their backs were to a family with a boy and a girl around 6 and 8 years old. Joshua ate well and was enjoying pointing out people's shoes and hats as they walked by. When the little girl at the next table, playing in and around her chair accidentally tripped our waiter. (The waiter did not fall completely to the floor but came close.) Her dad started getting on to her, quietly but loud enough for us to hear, about not sitting in her chair and said, "if you do that again I am going to have to spank your bottom." At which point Joshua turned around in his high chair, pointed at the tearful little girl and loudly exclaimed "uh oh!" about 12 times. Dave and I started laughing and I even had to excuse myself from the table a minute.

Joshua certainly knows the meaning of "spank" and was obviously relieved it was not directed at him for once, but still had sympathy for his fellow rule breaker.

Here is a little glimpse of what he sounded like at dinner that night...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How hot is it?

It is so hot that Dave has started teaching Joshua how to drive in the dining room.

It is so hot we spend our Sunday afternoons watching a squirrel rob the bird feeder.

It is so hot we can't go outside to swim so we turned our pool into an indoor pillow pit.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Visitors from outer state

Dave's parents came to visit us this week from South Carolina. Since Joshua's school was closed Monday and Tuesday, Dave and I took those days off and were able to enjoy their visit while enjoying a couple days off work. It just so happened that their visit coincided with the hottest days of the year. With the heat index reaching 118 one day, we tried to keep our outings few and brief.

We ventured out to play t-ball one morning...

Aunt Gay and Gully sent Joshua a cool new swimming pool. Joshua was not the only one who cooled off in it Sunday afternoon. (Thanks Aunt Gay and Gully!!!)

After a dip in the pool there is always time for swinging.

We ate cupcakes to celebrate Buddy's birthday.

Joshua had a fun time with Gran and Buddy. We are thankful they came to see us.

On an unrelated note, Joshua started back to school today and Ms. Rosemary's class could not have been more fun. The first day of napping on a cot seems to have gone ok. His care card said he slept an hour and twenty minutes. I didn't get to talk to Ms. Rosemary this afternoon to know how the cot worked out but I am anxious to get the scoop in the morning.