Wednesday, May 30, 2012


J: "Mama, back when I was in college I played baseball."
A: "Who did you play for?"
J: "The Team."

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Say Cheese!

Despite the previous series of pictures, Luke is one of the happiest little guys I have ever been around.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Say What?

Joshua: "Dad, what is that on your neck?"
Dave: "A mole"
J: "It looks like a meatball."
D: "Thanks, now brush your teeth."
In response to Amelia saying "there sure are a lot of mosquitoes out here tonight"  Joshua replies, "I don't get bites by mosquitoes because I have good eyes and can see them and they go away because my eyes are like scare eyes to mosquitoes."
Joshua: "Mama, does Joseph have a wallet?"
Amelia: "Joseph who?"
J: "Joseph in the Bible."
A: "I'm not sure if he had a wallet.  Why?"
J: "Joseph in the Bible had lots of money and food to help him brothers.  And a rainbow robe.  Maybe when the Bible has holes in it and I am in the Bible, and there is magic, I can talk to Joseph to see if he has a wallet with money or just money in his pocket."
A: OK. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All Alone

This morning while Dave was putting on his shoes and Joshua was playing with his firemen the following conversation took place:
J: We don't want to be all alone.  When I was a little boy, I was all alone.  I didn't have any friends.
D: You've always had lots of friends.
J: But when I was a little boy in the jungle I didn't have any friends.  I just had a monkey and he was my friend.  And me and my friend monkey were all alone.  But then there was a tiger and he was our friend.  And then a lion and a crocodile and a penguin.  They were our friends too.

Today when I picked Joshua up from school he had something in his hand.  He said, "I found this money on the floor at school and there was something brown by it too."  Unfortunately my mind immediately assumes the grossest possibility.

At dinner tonight Joshua proudly shared that he and Dave listened to "Get on the Road Again" and "Poncho and Lefty" in the car on the way to school this morning.  He was also able to correctly identify Willie Nelson as the singer of both songs.  So glad we are exposing him to the classics. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

a joshua

As Joshua likes to say, "This is awesome!"

Sunday while enjoying a snack outside Joshua shared this original story with Dave:
"Once upon a time, I was travelling the county in Texas, riding on a horse.  Then I heard a noise and Jesus, no, not Jesus, his father, God came and said, "Joshua come to heaven" but I said, "I'm too busy."  Then God went away. 
I went to our house and momma and dad are not there.  I heard you calling for me to rescue you. 
And Darth Vader and the sand people had put you in carbonite and momma was in a bush with bees and her got stang.  I put band aids on her.  The End."

We went to the Open House at the Vet School a couple weekends ago.  Joshua go to see bunches of different animals but the Clydsedales were his favorites.

Joshua enjoys "helping" me cook.  This picture was taken as he used his hammer to crush crackers for a casserole.  But he couldn't start his cooking until he had "the right shoes on."  So naturally he put on his fireman rain galoshes.

 We have been encouraging Joshua to keep his pants on and not take them off as soon as we come in the house.  (As you faithful readers are very aware, he loves to be pants-less)  This week Joshua has been complaining of "tired legs" and requests to "rest my legs."  Only tonight did I realize he takes off his pants to rest his legs.  Sneaky!