Wednesday, November 24, 2010

running and chores

Joshua loves to watch football. He especially likes it when a team kicks the ball and when Dave gets excited about a big play and yells "run dude run." This video is Joshua's reaction to Dave's excitement Thursday night during the Alabama game.

Joshua loves to put "trash" in the garbage can. Anything from legitimate trash to his dirty socks and who knows what else is put in the trash daily. He also likes trash day in our neighborhood because he gets to "help" Dave.

We attended Abigail's 2nd birthday party to come.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grandparents' Weekend

Gran and Buddy came to visit us, from South Carolina, this weekend. We enjoyed being outside much of Friday afternoon and part of Saturday.

When it started raining Saturday, the fun moved inside. Joshua loves to color and when he got tired of watching football asked Dave to "draw" with him.

But after supper and a bath, it was back to watching football with Buddy.
Joshua got to stay home from school Monday to play with Gran and Buddy. It rained all day but they had fun wrestling, reading, and running around the house. It was a special time for Joshua to spend loving on his grandparents...and they enjoyed it too.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The previous play is under review

After review, the ruling on the field was a clean hit by the ball carrier on the defender.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween Weekend

Joshua's Halloween weekend began after nap at school on Friday. His class had a party of oreos and cheezits with an apple juice box. Joshua wore his Woody the Sheriff costume to school but had an accident and had to wear an old t-shirt the school had on hand most of the day. As you can tell from this picture, Joshua is fresh off his nap cot but enjoying an oreo.

Mastering the art of drinking from a juice box is no easy job. But once Joshua realized the juice in that box was not diluted with water he drained it dry without wasting a drop!

We spent Saturday afternoon in Tuscaloosa. We played on the quad at UA and Joshua enjoyed a cereal bar for a snack.

What better place to play t-ball than in the shadow of Denny Chimes?

Joshua: "Look"
Amelia: "Do not put that acorn in your mouth."
This is the only picture in which you can see Joshua's cute pumpkin shirt . Under the sporty pumpkins it says, "Sports fans in the pumpkin patch." Joshua loves this shirt.

While in Tuscaloosa we got to visit with our dear friends the Hardys. Emily, who is 7, surprised Joshua with a Little People Train as an early Christmas present. He immediately loved the train, but while at their house Joshua loved playing with Emily more. She was so sweet to him and allowed him to play with all of her prized toys. Once we got home Joshua posed with his new train. Thanks Emily for such a fun toy!
Sunday night Joshua and I checked out the 2 big Fall Festivals in town while Dave had to work. The first one we went to was way too crowded for our liking so after about 3 minutes we left and went down the street to the church hosting the second festival. Much to Joshua's delight he was able to jump in a bounce house at the less crowded party. The big kids were very generous and allowed Joshua and a few other small kids to jump by themselves for a long time.
To make the bounce house even better there were basketball goals in each corner. Needless to say that the man who was "supervising" the station had to climb into the bounce house to remove Joshua after nearly 10 minutes of us trying to verbally coax him out. The whole way back to the car Joshua said, "I jump" over and over.
I was not able to get a decent picture of Joshua's costume this year. He is not willing to sit still for a silly picture. But he wore his Woody pajamas and had a cowboy hat that ended up on the floor of the car and was never worn. We had a good time, and I think Joshua ate one mini Twix bar we got at a friend's house, which was sufficient for this Halloween.