Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Joshua was excited to show off his new "big brother" t-shirt and to report "My mama has a baby in her tummy" at Thanksgiving dinner.  We are thankful to be able to announce that baby Nolen is scheduled to be joining us at the end of May. 
Joshua has already come up with a list of possible names:
If the baby is a boy the following names have been suggested:
  • Tyler Russell (the quarterback at Mississippi State)
  • Julio Jones (a former Alabama player and Dave's personal favorite option)
  • AJ McCarron (the quarterback for Alabama)
  • LSU Tigers (?)
  • Auburn (to which Dave and I both broke out into loud Boos)
  • Michael ("like the boy in Children's Church that wears a belt like dad.")
There have only been 3 suggestions for a baby girl:
  • Keatsie (from a Berenstain Bears book)
  • Cutsie (from the above mentioned Berenstain Bears book)
  • Princess Leia (obvious reasons)
We are hoping to find out the if Julio Jones or Princess Leia will be joining our family in a few weeks.  We can' wait to let you know. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Does this come in a variety of colors?

Last Monday Joshua hit a classmate with a block because "he moved part of the building I was making." 
Last Tuesday Joshua threw rocks at a classmate because "she wouldn't play with me."
Last Wednesday Joshua poked a classmate in the eye because "he said he was the caboose but I was the caboose." 

Last Thursday night Joshua and I were getting ready to pray before bed and talking about his behavior during the week.  Our conversation went something like this:
J: "Mama, will you pray that God will give me a new heart?"
A: "Sure.  I think that is a great thing to pray for.  Anything else we should talk to God about."
J: "Yes, will you ask God to make my new heart black and blue because those are my favorite colors?"
A: "Well, we can certainly ask God for anything but I don't think you quite understand what getting a new heart means."
J: "I do understand Mama and I want a black and blue heart.  That would look really cool."
A: "Ok, close your eyes so we can pray."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cousin Fun

Aunt Glo and Abigail took a girls' weekend and came to Starkville to hang out with us.
Joshua was most excited that they picked him up from school on Friday and went to play on campus.  He told his teacher, "my mama's sister, my aunt, her name is Glo, she and my cousin Abigail are coming to get me on Friday, that is when we have show and tell and they are going to come pick me up."
Sadly we aren't going to be able to attend Abigail's birthday party this weekend.  Instead we had a "donuts in our pajamas" party Saturday morning.  Both kids were super excited and woke up earlier than we hoped in anticipation of going to the donut store.
The birthday girl

The birthday guest. (Obviously enjoying a chocolate covered donut)

Both were mesmerized by the walkie-talkies we gave Abigail.
Neither figured out the art of talking then listening  on the walkie-talkies so spent most of the rest of the morning holding the walkie-talkies to their mouths and yelling messages back and forth from room to room.

We went to play at the park and much to our surprise Mr. Bob (from this previous post) was there demonstrating how to play several new instruments on the music trail. 

Watching Joshua and Abigail play (or not play) together was funny.  They argued like siblings and then hugged sweetly when saying good-bye.
We had such a good time!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Force

"Mama, look at me I'm Darth Vader.  See I have my light saber on my belt."
(The belt, by the way, is on of Dave's old belts that is wrapped around Joshua's waist multiple times.)

"Mama, now I am using the force to make things happen."

Hopefully the force will be good to you.