Last Halloween was our first Halloween in Starkville and we unprepared for the number of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood. This year we got bags of candy "buy one get one free" and were able to feed the masses.
We were visited by 2 dragons, 3 cowboys, numerous princesses, a bunch of grapes, football players from almost every SEC school, and countless unidentifiable scary creatures among other things. The unfortunate moment of the night was "Super Woman" running down the driveway and falling into the street spilling all her candy-I guess super powers don't cover all moments of need. Joshua started his 1st Halloween by "treating" several families. We made and iced cookies to be delivered as treats. He donned his pumpkin suit and off we went. It was fun to know on the doors and give of some of our friends and give a treat.
pumpkin carving
"OK folks, I think I am way cuter the this google eyed pumpkin on the chair."
"Actually, I think I'm cuter than most anything right now."
The final product. Dave voted for google eyes and a triangle nose. I voted for 2 bottom teeth since Joshua only has 2 bottom teeth. We had one trick-or-treater say, "I like your cross eyed pumpkin" which made Dave very happy.
Halloween 2008The carved pumpkin and Josh-o-lantern still cooking.
Halloween 2009
Wow, time goes by quickly!
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