Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cousinly fun

Joshua got to spend some quality time with his cousin Abigail this weekend. Dave was out of town at a conference and I had to work out of our Jackson office for a few days so Joshua got to play with Aunt Glo, Uncle Chad and Abigail.
Because it has been so hot around here the last few weeks, we had to get creative with our outings this weekend. Friday, Gloria and Chad took the babies to Kroger to ride in the carts that have Cozy Coupes attached to them and then to the indoor playground at Chick-fil-A. Saturday, instead of taking the cousins to the zoo, Gloria and I opted for the Bass Pro Shop that has as many stuffed animals as a zoo has live animals.

Joshua and Abigail looking at the bear right behind them...

Joshua and Abigail looking a little bit nervous about the attack position the bear right behind them is in.

The added bonus of the Bass Pro Shop is that there are boats on display that you can climb into and sit in. This served as our equivalent to the train ride at the zoo.

Abigail steered while Joshua worked the throttle.

"I think if we just push this button we can get this thing started."
Joshua's turn "driving".

Abigail being pulled back (literally) from the brink of falling off the boat.
Monday while I was at work, Abigail and Joshua had a pillow fight. From the looks of this video, the fight was terribly one-sided and Abigail was a fantastic sport through it all.

We are looking forward to Joshua's 4th of July parade at school this Friday.
I'm hoping to get some good pictures and video to mark the occasion.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Raising the bar...

Mary Poppins claimed to be "practically perfect in every way" and Joshua thinks he is giving her a run for her money.

Joshua's vocabulary is growing quickly. To celebrate learning the word "shoes" Joshua walked around in Dave's shoes for a while (with his own shoes on underneath).

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Show off...

Joshua showing off his muscles

Joshua showing off his animal noises

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Batter Up

We had a bit of a "rain delay" in the publishing of this blog as there was quite an electrical storm in Starkville last night and our computer did not want to participate in the bad weather. Sorry for the delay in our traditional Wednesday blog post.

When Joshua stayed in Jackson a couple weeks ago, he watched the SEC Baseball Tournament with Nana and Coach. When we got home he started swinging his arms as though he were batting. Then Saturday morning during "guys' time" while watching SportsCenter with Dave, Joshua went crazy for the baseball highlights. He started swinging, laughed when two players fell over each other going for a pop fly and said "uh oh" when the outfielder dropped the ball.

So this...

naturally led to this...

A baseball card pose

Fielding practice

Calling his hit like the Babe

And a little batting practice

Right off, Joshua had the right idea

and with just a little practice, he did pretty good for his first day on the field!

Watch out Little League World Series, we're coming for you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jackson makes you feel good

Joshua went to Jackson last Wednesday for a dose of TLC from Nana in hopes that he would get well soon. Amazingly after only a few short hours he was eating and sleeping like a champ (neither of which he was doing in Starkville). Dave and I joined him on Friday for the long weekend and were glad to see that he was feeling so much better.

Chad, Gloria and Abigail were moving into their new house over the weekend, so it was busy but fun. Here is a picture of Chad and Abigail discussing box packing techniques.

At Abigail's new house on Saturday, the babies enjoyed some fun in the sprinklers, sandbox and swimming pool.

Running through the sprinklers on the patio

Digging for buried treasure

The first time touching sand can be a little confusing.

The first time you feel sand between your toes you have to pause for a minute to enjoy.

"Man, I'm putting on the pounds!"