Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Now I Know

For a while I wondered where Joshua was learning to be as daring as he is. And then I happened upon this the other day...

Now I know...thanks dad!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weekend Events

Last weekend we watched the dogs in the neighbor's yard,

football with dad,

and the Mormon missionaries walking up the street.

We learned to "respect the bell" and "ring responsibly" while watching the MSU Bulldogs play.

And finally, we took some time to slide down the bottom of the chair...which is not out of the ordinary for any day at our house.


And then today, I think we quickly got our $2 out of the football balloon from Kroger.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

2 cars-1 new and 1 used

While in Jackson for Labor Day weekend, we traded in my trusty Honda Civic for an Accord. I miss the Civic but it was time to move to a bigger car with fewer miles on it.
More importantly, Joshua got a new car over Labor Day weekend as well. We noticed that our neighbors were trading in their daughters "Cozy Coupe" for a more trendy, bigger toy and we asked if we could take the old clunker off their hands.
Joshua couldn't be more excited about his first car...

Now that we are a 3 car family with only a 2 car garage. Joshua drew the short straw and has to park his car in the spot outside the garage.

Be careful out there.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day in Jackson

We were able to spend our long Labor Day weekend in Jackson. It was a weekend full of playing outside, watching football and hanging out with family.

Nana had towel elephants waiting on everyone's bed.

Abigail tasting Coach's recently cleaned windows.

Dave and Chad discussing football while throwing the football the night before a full day of watching football.

"Ok, you get the moms and I'll get the dads."

Playing in the empty pool is gut bustingly funny.

"Night Night, Josh."

Bubbles were a big part of the weekend. Aunt B and Abigail enjoyed watching the bubble machine cover the backyard with tiny bubbles.

Aunt B helping Joshua catch some stray bubbles.

Aunt Joy got in on the bubble action and even brought her own bubble wand to share.

Joshua watched closely to make sure she was doing it right.

Way to go Aunt Joy! You make great big bubbles!
Coach and the kids.

When ride-a-horsey gets a little out of hand.

Nana found some foam viking weapons that were an instant hit with Joshua and Dave. Here Joshua is posing with the axe.

The battle axe also came in handy when chasing away intruders from the fence.

And what could be better than popping bubbles with a mace.

Lots of family came over to eat Sunday night and as you can see, all eyes were on the babies.

A meeting of the minds at the back fence.

Joshua had a blast playing with cousins Travis, Trevor and Tanner.

A special thanks to the cousins for running Joshua all over the yard Sunday night. He slept 11.5 hours that night. We would love for y'all to come over any night.

Again, a little meeting at the back fence.

No, they aren't super tall kids: they heard a dog in the neighbor's yard and with the help of various family members were held up for a long time staring at the neighbor and his dog.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Joshua has been practicing his circus acts a lot lately.

The "Man with Many Muscles" in the sideshow

the acrobat

the tight rope walker...with a net of course.

Dave and I laughed the other night because when Joshua gets mad and starts crying his nose turns red and he sort of looks like a clown. So I guess instead of having a one-man band, we have a one-man circus.