Saturday before Easter
Unfortunately Joshua's mood did not improve much during the day so these are the only pictures we have of him.
Happy Easter from our joyful family to yours!
Unfortunately Joshua's mood did not improve much during the day so these are the only pictures we have of him.
Happy Easter from our joyful family to yours!
Joshua is growing taller, getting more and more hair, talking a lot and curious about everything.
Joshua loves the playground, eating apples, his firetruck bed and counting.
Joshua wants to play with a football or basketball, his tricycle, or his Dinosaur Train coloring book.
Joshua loves to read the Jesus Storybook Bible, If You Give a Moose a Muffin and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (every night).
Joshua loves to sing Oh, How I Love Jesus, I've Got the Joy Joy Joy, Rain Rain Go Away, and ABC.
Joshua is working on learning his colors, obeying the first time and potty training...sort of.
And a funny story...On our way home from church Sunday, we asked Joshua want Bible story they talked about in the nursery. He said, "Jesus night night in the boat. Friends said, 'wake up!'" I asked, "Why did Jesus' friends want him to wake up, were they scared because of a storm?" Joshua's response, "No mama. The giant said 'fee fie foe fum.'" We are grateful for his listening to at least part of the story.