Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Give them the $10,000!

Welcome to our world.
Dave and I were trying to get a video of Anna Ruth "talking" to Dave.  She loves to goo goo at him and squeal and coo.  In the process of trying to get a cute video, Joshua excused himself to the bathroom.  Pay close attention to the 40-45 second mark and you will hear evidence of his toileting.  Then to top off the video Anna Ruth fountains milk on Dave's arm.
America's Funniest Home Videos here we come!

there is another new video below

Kung Foo Fighting

When Joshua was a baby Dave would make him ninja fight, see this post for a video.
Anna Ruth recently started her ninja fighting training, except she has a human target.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

a little of this...

 Joshua loves to draw and color.  He has been bringing home pictures from school that he is quite proud of. 
"This is an elephant that I colored for dad's office."

"Mama, I know you are scared of mouses but I thought you might not be scared of a colored mouse since it isn't real.  I colored you this mouse for you to hang in your office."

Do you think it is time for a haircut?
Don't worry, he's getting one tomorrow!

Good night from Starkville!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

3 months old

Anna Ruth is 3 months old!
She is a big girl.  She appears to be twice the size of the other kids in her class (even those who are several months older than her).
Anna Ruth loves to sleep (Praise the Lord!).  She sleeps well at night only waking once and takes lots of naps during the day.  Her teacher at school says, "She is such an easy baby to have in my class because all she does is sleep and laugh and smile."

Anna Ruth is smiling a laughing a lot, especially at Dave and Joshua.
She loves to suck her thumb and rarely cries (again Praise the Lord!).

Joshua is adjusting to being a big brother like a pro.  I must admit that I didn't think he would do as well as he has.  He loves his sister and has been a huge help around the house.  He and Dave spent time together working on the AT AT Walker model Joshua got for a big brother present.  He was proud to have finished it.
Joshua started "Ms. Sara's class" last week.  He is loving being back with some friends who were in a different class last year and is over the moon excited about playing soccer this fall. 
Joshua continues to make us laugh all the time.  For example: The other day Anna Ruth was wearing only her bloomers because she had spit up on her shirt.  The conversation went like this:
Joshua: "Anna Ruth looks like she lives in Hawaii."
Amelia: "What do you mean?"
J: "She doesn't have a shirt on.  People in Hawaii only wear pants.  They don't wear none shirts."
A: "Where did you hear that?"
J: "Nowhere Mama, I just know things like that."
I can't believe that it has already been 3 months since Anna Ruth was born.  I think that Dave and I have adjusted well to having 2 kiddos in the house.  Going from 1 to 2 kids feels like there are 5 more people in our house at times but we often divide and conquer and are able to get stuff done.
We are blessed beyond measure!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy Baby

 Anna Ruth is such a happy baby!
She is pictured in this and the next photo covered in burp clothes. 
This is our standard method of keeping clothes spit up free for a few minutes.

babies in tutus are funny

Anna Ruth has mastered the art of thumb sucking.  When she doesn't get her paci in time she can be heard slurping on her thumb.
Happy baby + Boy Wonder = Super Fun