Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Celebration

We spent a portion of the Easter weekend in Jackson visiting family.

Easter egg hunts with cousins are just plain fun!

Anna Ruth got some snuggle time with GG while the big kids hunted eggs.
Dying Easter eggs was almost as fun as hunting them.

 We celebrated Lottie's birthday (a little early) at lunch. 
She acted shy and like she didn't want to be the center of attention while we sang to her but a short time later she was literally standing on the table singing for her adoring don't be fooled.

This trip resulted in a lot of tree climbing as well.

Lottie was in charge of moving the eggs around the back yard.

 Easter Sunday was a beautiful day.
We had a great day at church and ate lunch with sweet friends.
These two kiddos looked sharp!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Anna Ruth: 11 months old

As we round the corner on her first birthday, Anna Ruth is loving 11-months old.
On Monday (4/14) she started pulling up on the furniture.

She pulls up everywhere and is initially quite proud of herself but then gets mad because she doesn't know how to get down.

Anna Ruth continues to be a very happy baby.  Lots of laughing and talking.  She loves music and squeals with delight when the radio is turned on in the car.

She has been such a blessing to our family.  We are grateful for a healthy little girl!

check out the other new post below...

Now up to bat... #7!

The Iron Eagles (formerly known as the Tiger Sharks) took to the field for their first game last week.
It was a beautiful, warm evening at the ball park and little boys were running around with excitement about playing t-ball for the first time.
Joshua Nolen is wearing #7 this year and hoping to channel the likes of Mickey Mantle in his inaugural t-ball season.
The first batter up for Joshua's team hit the ball on the first swing and then fielded his own hit and proceeded to throw the ball at the in-fielder from close range.
Later in the game 6 of the 12 players on Joshua's team were in a dog pile in the outfield fighting over the ball, requiring coach to call timeout and have a team meeting in center field to discuss teamwork.  (We are happy to report Joshua was playing third base that inning and not involved in the scuffle, he was staring into space and oblivious to the action.  I am confident, had he been paying attention, he would have taken a flying leap onto the pile of eager golden gloves.)

getting ready to warm up


Joshua's first at bat was a success!

discussing base running strategy with his coach

game face?

"throw it to me, I'm open!"

"letting my head breath"

"I ran super fast out there, kind of like a cheetah.  I wish we were the Iron Cheetahs and not the Iron Eagles."

This is what happens to most of the boys on the team each time a plane flew over the field and with the airport only a few blocks away and the weather nice, there were several planes that flew over.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

T-town with friends

Last weekend we were blessed to get to spend the weekend in Tuscaloosa visiting longtime friends we hadn't seen in ages.  Of course we took no pictures with said friends, but trust us they were there and we loved getting to catch up and introduce them to our kids.

Joshua enjoyed walking around campus.  He took a moment to pose with each of the coach statues at the stadium.  I was only quick enough to get this picture.  The other poses were just as funny.

nervous he would call off statue, there was no posing this time

beautiful tulips at the President's mansion
(this is a good shot of JP)

(and this one is good of AR)
JP had just had enough picture taking at this point

We were reminded again of how the body of Christ can be a tool for edification and love.  We were able to spend good time with two families we love dearly and even though years have passed and we all live apart the Lord has been gracious to preserve our friendship.  
The Nolens are thankful for the Vargos and the Hardys!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

talking baby

Anna Ruth loves to talk to us.
This video reminds me of a similar video of Joshua (see it here).