Wednesday, May 28, 2014

the season is winding down

 Baseball season is finishing up.  Joshua has loved playing t-ball.
After being thrown out at first one week, he developed a "strategy" of hitting down the 3rd base line and "running like the Flash" to first base.  (he hasn't been thrown out since) 
One of the highlights of each game it to see friends on the opposing teams.  These two boys are come of Joshua's favorite friends.  After this game Joshua told us, "even though we were on different teams, we can still be friends."

Anna Ruth has enjoyed baseball season too.  She especially likes that she gets to eat pretzels during the game.
 Last night's game was cut short by a downpour.
Joshua got to play in the field but didn't get to bat.
Here he is "practicing" his throw.

After we got soaked and made a mad dash for the car the traffic was so bad in the parking lot that we just sat and visited for a while.  After about 10 minutes the rain stopped and the t-ball field was empty.  Since Joshua didn't get to bat in the game, he and Dave ran out on the field for a little batting practice.  Joshua got a hold of one that Dave pitched to him and hit it to the fence.  He ran the bases and slid into home.
What I would have given for a picture of the smile on his face!
The last game is Thursday.  We're hoping it isn't rained out.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Ladybug!

We had a family party to celebrate Anna Ruth's 1st birthday.

I think AR's expression to hilarious.

"Why are all these people singing to me?"

"This center of attention thing is kind of fun!"

"Hmmm, what do we have here?"

"It feels like nothing I have ever had before."

"It tastes like nothing I have ever had before.  I think I might like this."

"This thing is ok, but I think I would rather have ice cream."

the "big" kids
Lottie and Aunt B were sweet enough to come to the party.
The Gladney side

everyone (minus Monica Lee who was the photographer)

loved having Monica Lee with us

the Nolen side

Besides the birthday girl these cookies were the most popular thing at the party

a sleepy birthday girl snuggling with Gran

We had a great day.  Anna Ruth got a chair, books, Snow White toys, a car to ride in, a Minnie Mouse doll, a suitcase, new shoes, a pink elephant, several new outfits and a puzzle.  What a blessed little girl to have so many people who love her!

(see the other new post below)

check-up check-in: Anna Ruth is 1!!!

Anna Ruth turning 1 has gotten here faster than I every expected.  She has grown up a lot over the last year as you can see from these pictures.
Yesterday's check-up with the doctor found Anna Ruth to weigh 20.9 pounds (41%) and she is 29 inches tall (47%).  She is perfectly healthy, something we are forever grateful for.
Anna Ruth has 8 teeth, is pulling up and cruising around holding on furniture or the wall.  She loves her bunny rabbit (thanks Great Gay and Gully), books, her play phone and her brother.  Anna Ruth squeals with delight when Joshua jumps out from behind something to scare her.  She is using "mama" and "da" appropriately.  In fact she summoned us to her this morning wanting to get out of her bed.  Anna Ruth loves to eat cheerios, yogurt, and green beans.
Dave and I are blessed to get to the be Joshua and Anna Ruth's parents.  They are such fun kids.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Amelia to Joshua on 5/4/14: "May the fourth be with your, Joshua."
Joshua: "Umm mom, it's force not fourth."
A: "I know that Joshua.  Today is the fourth of May and people who like Star Wars like to say May the fourth be with your today."
J: "Oh, I get it." laughing hysterically
"That cracks me up!"
Our princess Leia and Jedi

sadly the wig didn't last long enough for a good picture

he's something serious!