Monday, December 22, 2008

Starkville Hunt Club

A couple months ago Amelia came home from work at lunch. When driving up the street toward our house, she noticed that our neighbors had what looked like a car that had been involved in an accident on display in their yard. At first glance, it looked like one of those drunk driving warnings on the side of the road where a smashed-up car is there to remind everyone of the dangers of drinking and driving. Upon further inspection and a closer look, it turned out that instead of a public service announcement, our neighbors must have hit a deer on their way home the night before. And needless to say, you can't just put the wrecked car on the trailer: you also have to include the 8-point buck you hit. As you can imagine, growing up in Birmingham, Amelia had never conceived of the desire to bring home road kill. On the hand, Dave wanted to go saw the antlers off and ask if we could have some of the meat from the deer.

1 comment:

Kenny said...

I need to be sure to share that with folks here around Oxford. And yes, I frequently see deer along Highway 6 (both alive and otherwise) here in O-Town, but that's beside the point.

Now the jab that proves I've lived in Oxford waaaaaaay too long: So I'm guessing that deer was hit in downtown Starkville?!? ;)