Wednesday, January 28, 2009

2-weeks old

Joshua is 2-weeks old today. He enjoys eating, sleeping, sitting in his bouncer, and looking at Dave's face.
He has spoiled us by being a very good sleeper at night. We are prayerful that all of us will continue to get sleep in large doses each night. In addition to Joshua sleeping well, Amelia's mom has been most helpful in taking care of Joshua, allowing us to have extra rest time.
Yesterday, we took a bunch of pictures of Joshua and had a really good time. Well, Amelia and Nana had a good time but Joshua did not seem to appreciate us posing him around the house. Once he fell asleep we didn't feel as guilt about having so much fun with him. The whole endeavor produced some really cute pictures though.

This is an example of Joshua's feeling about having his picture made:


Beth Gladney said...

These are such good pictures!! I can't wait to see y'all this weekend!! I am very excited.

bensmom said...

love the one on the bookshelf!

The Cooks said...

These are beautiful pictures! He is getting so big and looks so long in the above post with his legs stretched to the end of the blanket! Glad you guys aer doing well.