Wednesday, April 1, 2009

11-weeks old

April Fool's Day brings with it Joshua's 11-week birthday.
This past week, Joshua attended a Ragtime Jazz Festival concert at MSU. Dave and I weren't sure how he would react to the loud playing of 2 pianos, but Joshua, unimpressed with the talent, slept through most of the concert. I think it still counts as a cultural activity even though he was asleep.

Joshua did great in the worship service again this week. He slept quietly for a majority of the service. Dave took him out toward the end after he woke up because he started grunting and pushing as though he was working on what we call a "prize pack." Often prize packs are not quiet experiences and I was really nervous that we would have distracting sounds coming from our row. Thankfully after church everyone commented on what a good boy he was and how impressed they were with how quiet he stayed throughout the service.

Nana stayed with us Monday night and kept Joshua while Dave and I went on a date. It was nice to get out and be away for a few hours.

Joshua does not take long, regular naps during the day. Mostly he cat naps for a few minutes. Last week he fell asleep in my arms and this was the position he was most comfortable in when I put him down. Sleeping in this position is something that he got from Aunt Beth and me. We both prefer to take naps like this.

1 comment:

Beth Gladney said...

That's my boy!!! Booty in the air. I have slept well in that position for 25 years!!! :)