Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This weekend, for Memorial Day, we went to Jackson. In addition to spending time with family, Joshua started trying some new activities like:

eating rice cereal

reading the newspaper with Aunt B

laughing at Ole Miss jokes with Travis

discussing SEC baseball with Coach

dancing with GG

Thanks for checking our blog. Stay tuned for more pictures and stories.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Check This Out

Our dear friends Meg, Jason, Jake, Will and Hudson are adopting a little girl from Korea. They have patiently drudged through a near 2 1/2 year application and waiting process and hope to have their baby girl soon. Please check our their blog Edwards' Adoption Journey and consider offering an encouraging word and/or participating in the adoption fund raising effort. We love this family and are grateful for their friendship to us.

4-months old

While on our "Great" trip to South Carolina, Joshua turned 4-months old. In celebration of this milestone, Joshua has decided to show off his turning over skills. He now rolls all over the place. Here are a few photos documenting this new development:

In addition to rolling over, 4-months brought with it today's doctor's appointment. Joshua passed with flying colors. He weighs 13lb. 13oz. (50th percentile) and is 25 inches tall (75th percentile). Dave and I went with a list of questions to ask and were grateful that the answers to everything we asked were, "Don't worry about that, it's normal" and "Just put some hydrocortisone cream on it." Joshua tried to flirt his way out of getting shots with the assessing nurse but then another nurse came in and quickly gave him 3 injections before he could flash a grin in her direction. After a couple minutes of rage, Joshua was smiling at another patient in the hallway having forgotten about anything that happened in the exam room. We are thankful for an uneventful trip to the Pediatric Clinic.

4-month photo bloopers

Trying to get a cute picture of Joshua in the rocking chair with his dog was more difficult then I expected. Joshua was curious about what the 4-month old sign and the dog might taste like. Here are only a few of the blooper shots I got before moving him to a different venue for the picture:

Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Great Trip": On the way home

We have started our way back home. Today we made it back to Madison, Georgia. What a fun little town! This afternoon we walked around Downtown Madison and shopped-a welcome break from riding in the car!
Today Joshua is 4 months old. In celebration of his birthday, Gloria and I ate Cold Stone Creamery last night. When asked if he felt any older today, Joshua responded with no comment.
Tomorrow's leg of the trip will take us to Birmingham. If we think we can make it without Joshua getting his days and nights mixed up, Nana, Joshua and I will go the rest of the way to Starkville. We have had a great trip but have reached the point of needing our own beds.
Be sure to read the Hunsberger Herald for another update.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Great" Trip: Summerville, SC

We spent the day in Summerville today and didn't have travel any today. It was a welcome break from the road for all 5 of us. We got to spend the day with Pop Pop and Grandma. We also got to see Uncle David, Uncle Charles, Aunt Ava, Cousins Melissa, Preston, Kristen, Dennis, Ashton and Nolan. It was nice to visit and catch up. Tomorrow we hit the road and start back home. Enjoy a few pictures from the day.

Uncle Charles with Joshua

Cousin Melissa takes a turn holding the little man.

Abigail enjoying sweet potato

Joshua playing with Pop Pop.

Mom and Pop Pop playing "Aggravation" or "Marbles"

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Great" Trip: Today in Pictures

The newest favorite toy-an empty water bottle.
Gran Robbye and Joshua

Snuggling with Pop Pop.

Naptime in Pop Pop's bed under the quilt Grandma made for him.

Meeting Great Grandma Giet.

The necessities for one night.

Please notice that Joshua is wearing one sock.

Pajama party! Sleep tight!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Trip Has Begun

This weekend we attended Dawson Memorial's Chapel Choir Reunion in Birmingham. It was the 55th anniversary of the choir and former choir members through the years gathered for a time of fellowship, Bible Study and singing. It was a great time. We got to see friends we don't get to see often and remember how God used the youth choir to minister to our lives.

Sunday after church we (Nana, Gloria, Abigail, Joshua and I) set out on the first leg of our "Great" trip to South Carolina. We made it 3 1/2 hours to Madison, Georgia. The babies did great in the car and all 5 of us successfully slept through the night.

Today we made it to Sumter, South Carolina to see Joshua's GreatGran Robbye (Dave's grandmother). Gran Robbye is 92 and was more than excited to see her great grandson. We visited for a little while today and introduced Joshua and Abigail to many of Gran's friends at the assisted living. Joshua and I will go back to see her for a little while in the morning. We enjoyed getting to see Buddy and Gran Jane today too. What a day!

Gloria and I are trying to document this trip fully. Be sure to check our the Hunsberger Hearld link in my blog list to see more pictures and updates.

We are praying for a night full of sleep and sweet dreams!

Joshua and me at Homewood Park for the Chapel Choir Reunion picnic.

Nana showing Joshua off to Miss. Brenda and Miss. Jeanna.

Joshua got to meet a lot of people this weekend. My dear friend Rob was one of them. And of course we were excited to see Alex again too.

On the road-we can go anywhere as long as we have our paci and thumb.

Abigail volunteered to be the relief driver when Nana gets tired.

Hotel life is good for Prince Joshua and Princess Abigail.

It was no surprise that Joshua preferred to sleep in the hotel bed.

Gran Robbye meeting Joshua for the first time.

Gran Jane, Joshua and Gran Robbye posing for a picture.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

walking, sitting and flipping

Joshua has been a frequent visitor to campus this week. The weather has been nice and classes are finished for the semester making it a perfect place to walk. Of course with his red hair and fair skin, Joshua has to wear a hat. I have been wanting a Bumbo seat for Joshua ever since we saw Abigail in hers. We found one on Ebay for 1/2 what it costs in the store. Joshua isn't quite sure what to think about sitting in it yet, but each day we practice and he is getting better and better at it. (I think he looks like he is sitting at a desk in this picture.)

Joshua continues to enjoy his play mat. His favorite animal on the mat is the polar bear who plays music and whose nose lights up. Joshua will turn himself however he needs in order to see the bear. Tummy time is often spent looking at the bear and usually results in him flipping over onto his back or side in order to be more comfortable.

Sunday, we leave for our "Great" road trip to South Carolina. Nana, Gloria and Abigail will be joining us on this adventure. We are travelling to see Dave's grandmother and my maternal grandparents. It should be fun. Stay tuned to our blog and Gloria's blog during the week for pictures and updates. Your prayers are appreciated!