Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4-months old

While on our "Great" trip to South Carolina, Joshua turned 4-months old. In celebration of this milestone, Joshua has decided to show off his turning over skills. He now rolls all over the place. Here are a few photos documenting this new development:

In addition to rolling over, 4-months brought with it today's doctor's appointment. Joshua passed with flying colors. He weighs 13lb. 13oz. (50th percentile) and is 25 inches tall (75th percentile). Dave and I went with a list of questions to ask and were grateful that the answers to everything we asked were, "Don't worry about that, it's normal" and "Just put some hydrocortisone cream on it." Joshua tried to flirt his way out of getting shots with the assessing nurse but then another nurse came in and quickly gave him 3 injections before he could flash a grin in her direction. After a couple minutes of rage, Joshua was smiling at another patient in the hallway having forgotten about anything that happened in the exam room. We are thankful for an uneventful trip to the Pediatric Clinic.


Beth Gladney said...

Roll Baby Roll!!! Roll Tide Roll!!!!
I can't wait to see you this weekend!! :)

Jenny said...

Amelia - Joshua is absolutely precious. I love looking at how much he is growing every week!! I am so happy for you and your sweet family!! (Jenny Blackburn)