Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hmmm, what's this?

Joshua discovered several things this week.

One afternoon I found Joshua by the couch with a wet face. He rolled to where Dave had left a plastic cup on the floor and poured the contents on his face. Joshua did not want to let go of the cup for the rest of the day.
During "naptime" yesterday, Joshua pulled on the bumper in his bed until he could reach the ribbons that tie it to the bed rail. He untied 5 of the 8 ribbons. How he moved around the bed and untied the ribbons we will never know. But he certainly thought they tasted good.

"I love this cup"

"I'm ready for church."

"Mitchell Memorial Library, this is Joshua, may I help you?"
"My shirt says it all."

1 comment:

prh said...

Hey! I just realized that I recognize that hunk onesie. I love reading your blog Amelia. :)