Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Gators, dinos, puffs and school

An early morning football pep rally requires coordinating t-shirts.

Joshua loves "puffs". When we put them on his tray, he grabs them up as though he will never have anything else to eat.

As you can see, Joshua graduated to his booster chair for meal time. I think it is much easier to feed him this way since he has gotten so tall.

The conclusion to our 3 part "Behind the Baby" series.

School Update:
Joshua seems to be thriving at school. As you may know nap time used to be a rarely experienced grace at our house until Ms. Susan worked her magic. I don't know what she did but after 3 days of day care Joshua came home taking 2-2 1/2 hour naps each day!
Last week Joshua participated in his first art project. His thumb print flowers are hanging on the wall in his classroom-hopefully we'll get to bring them home and hang them on our refrigerator.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Adventures at 7 months

Joshua is 7-months old! Can you believe it?!? When I told Joshua how old he was this was his reaction:

Eveyone who goes to school needs a backpack. Joshua got a "Mr. Strong" backpack for all of the homework and supplies he needs to take with him.

He seemed to like crawling around with the backpack on his back. He looks a lot like a turtle when wearing it.

Photo # 2 in the 3 part "Behind the Baby" series.

We spent last weekend in Tuscaloosa celebrating Aunt Glo's birthday, attending the wedding of 2 friends, visiting friends and our old church, and walking around campus. While walking on campus we found a robot that had fallen over in Woods Quad. Joshua thought it was pretty cool and had to get his picture made next to the giant robot.

With a little help from Dave, Joshua pulled up and hugged Mr. Robot.

Not to be left out of the fun pictures, I got my picture made with Joshua in front of giant art in Woods Quad too.

We had a great time in Tuscaloosa. We were all really tired when we got home but can't wait to go back and hang out.

7-month picture bloopers

One would think that I would remember from month to month how difficult it is to get a shot of Joshua next to the dog with a sign in front of him. But no, I try every month and am surprised at the fact that I can't get a good shot of him every month. Here are only a few of the bloopers from this month's attempt.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sir Cuteness

Just a few pictures to illustrate the cuteness of Joshua:

I tried to get a good picture with our customized paci that says "Aunt B loves me" but Joshua would not stop reaching for the camera.
Picture number 1 in a 3 part series titled "Behind the Baby"

Nana's favorite shirt.
(Dave thinks Joshua looks like an old man reclining in his favorite chair in this picture.)

So hard to say good-bye

Joshua seems to have a hard time saying "good-bye" to his beloved bouncer. It served him well for many months, but he is too wiggly to be safe in it. Now, however, he enjoys it in a different way:

It's great for climbing into

It's great for pulling up on

It's great for flipping over!
We love this bouncer!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho, it's back to work I go.

I have started back to work in the last couple weeks. I am working a few days a week for a local hospice agency (a different company than I previously worked for). God has been good to provide a flexible work schedule for me as well as a great daycare option for Joshua. After a couple weeks of babysitters at our house, Joshua started "school" today. His teacher said he did great and his report card for the day proved it. Here is the required first day of school picture:

Neshoba County Fair

We had the opportunity to spend last Thursday at the Neshoba County Fair with some great friends. Joshua got to meet the Breezes and the Gamblins, see Aunt B, and he just missed meeting the governor (Joshua needed an immediate diaper change when Haley came by the cabin). We watched harness racing and walked the midway. What a fun day! Here are some photo highlights from the day.

Sarah Elizabeth was a perfect hostess at the Fair

Family picture on the midway

Dave and Joshua watching the harness race

The harness race

The required nap in the swing at Cabin 39

Aunt B and the little man

Going Up?

Not only is Joshua now crawling-real crawling-he has also started pulling up on the furniture, our legs, the windows, etc. At first I really tried to break him of the desire by putting him back on the floor and quickly telling him "No!" But Joshua is a determined little man and he is standing tall everywhere he can. In exchange for this new development, Dave and I worked to lower his mattress as I felt sure Joshua would also think he could jump out of his bed and fly if he wanted to.

Standing in Nana's window (check out my baseball behind)

Standing up in the awesome box from dad's new grill

In the process of pulling up in his bed, immediately before his mattress was lowered.

Rain, Rain...

...go away!

Last week we had several days of rain. Joshua sat by the door for a good while one day and stared outside-which made for a cute photo.