Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Guy Time

Guy time began Monday morning when Mom had to go to work while Dad and Joshua had the week off. Forts have been built and destroyed, football, basketball, soccer, and baseball have been played, neighbors have been visited, garbage men greeted, discipline handed out, and various other activities that Mom will probably never know about. Most of all, they have had fun!
One of this week's outings was to find Joshua a new pair of sunglasses. He picked out Thomas the Tank Engine glasses and naturally Blue's Clues was much more captivating with the new shades on (no, they are not 3-D glasses).

Today Dad and Joshua visited one of Dad's friends from work, "Mr. Bob." Mr. Bob is a music professor who specializes in percussion. To Joshua's delight, Mr. Bob had a special gift waiting for him. Joshua couldn't wait to show off his new skills to Mom when he and Dad got home:

Could this be a turning point in young Joshua's life? Or just the tipping point for Dad and Mom to go truly crazy? Stay tuned...

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