Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What did he just say?

As Joshua adds word to his vocabulary, his ability to tell us funny thoughts increases. For example, he loves to talk about his favorite TV shows and characters. He identifies with them so much that every night he has to pray for Pablo, Uniqua and Tyrone from the Backyardigans. Sometimes words get mixed up and make for entertaining conversation, like when he talks about another of his favorite characters, "Monster Cookie." And every morning he wants to "push the big butt" on the garage door opener. And sometimes he purposely tries to use his words to cause confusion, like when he bumped his arm on a toy at school and said, "Ryder hit me," even though he was the only child in the room. In addition to his verbal skills, he is learning trades. As you can see from the pictures, he practiced his carpentry skills the other night repairing the fence in our backyard. And he even practiced balancing his plate on one hand in the air like the servers at "Applebeans" the other night.

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