Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I feel like I'm falling for fall

How do we know fall has arrived?

The temperature is 60 one day and 88 the next, the leaves are beginning to change, Halloween decorations are being put up at the daycare and the Country Pumpkins Pumpkin Patch is open.

(If you look hard you will see Dave coming out of the straw maze behind Joshua. From all reports, "It was really dark in there.")

Coming soon...

Halloween costume pictures...will Joshua be a St. Bernard or will he be a carrot?

Only time will tell.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

2.75 years of age

I recently looked back at the 1.75 years of age post from last year. That post talked about Joshua's increasing vocabulary, his love of helping others, "giant strides in the sleep department," and him leaving baby-hood and becoming a little boy. Now here we are at 2.75 years of age talking about the same things.
Everyday I am amazed at the words Joshua knows. Just this morning he, very quietly and to himself, counted to ten in Spanish. He obviously comes from a long line of talkers but has already challenged me to learn the words for things to teach him.
Joshua continues to enjoy helping others. He voluntarily picks up after himself and often after Dave and me too. It is wonderful to see him help clean up the classroom at school before he leaves each day.
Unfortunately, after wondrous months of fantastic sleep, Joshua has taken a couple steps backwards. Some nights are glorious with no wake-ups while other nights are filled with tears and frustration. To make matters worse, Joshua is testing the waters of manipulation and claiming to be scared of everything from the dark, his door and even his own nose. We are hopeful for a speedy return to sleep-filled nights.
A couple weekends ago we ate lunch in Tuscaloosa with some dear friends at a favorite Chinese restaurant. Joshua's fortune was perfect. It read something like, "You will make a lot of money playing sports." Dave and I resolved to keep that fortune until Joshua signs a multi-billion dollar contract to play professional sports but alas, the fortune was lost in the washing machine. Joshua's throwing and kicking skills have reached the point that he is now banned from playing ball inside the house.
Joshua loves going to school and Sunday School. He takes in all that is said. Days later he will share his knowledge but only when he is ready.
Last week, the firetruck came to school and Joshua met firefighters and climbed in the truck. It was a truly monumental day!
Three years we come...ready or not.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

there are no words...

There are no words to describe this scene.

Just thinking about it cracks Joshua up.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The things he says...

  • walking into the bathroom, "It is spooky dark in there. It might be a ghost."

  • at the supper table in response to Amelia burning her fingers while making supper, "When I was a little boy, I burned my fingers on my blue oven."

  • having never eaten at McDonalds there was some confusion when Nana pulled into the parking lot and Joshua asked, "is this the farm?" thinking of Old McDonald's Farm".

  • while pointing at Dave's spine, "Yesterday when I was a little boy, I had bones in my back too, Dad."

  • to Dave, "When I was a little boy I put my red hair in that water in the toilet."

  • Counting his Thomas the Train UNO cards...

    still counting those cards...

    taking a break from counting to identify a beloved football hero

    (Joshua also positively identified Lou Hotlz, do you think we watch too much football at our house?