Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sights and Sounds of Christmas

We found a beautiful tree for our house last Saturday evening. We were all excited about getting it set up and decorated. 24 hours after the tree arrived home, Joshua began to have a barking cough. He is obviously allergic to real Christmas trees. The beautiful tree is now displayed outside on our front porch after spending a couple days in our garage. Joshua's cough has started to lessen.

But the excitement does not end there. Joshua has a Christmas tree in his room. He could not be more excited about this tree. It is decorated and "so so pretty and beautiful" as Joshua likes to describe it.

You can see how excited he is...

This is the first Christmas Joshua has been able to semi-comprehend what all it going on. And this new awareness has brought some funny quotes with it.

After we got our his toy nativity set Joshua told me, "Mama, this baby Jesus is broken. It's eyes don't close and he won't go to sleep. He 'posed to be asleep on the hay not awake."

While looking at Christmas lights, "Mama look a baseball sock on that tree!" referring to a large wooden stocking.

Today he came home from school talking about "Ruddog the Red Nosed Reindeer."

And then Dave's favorite quote of the week, which is not the least bit Christmas related but good none the less. While getting a bath, Joshua asked Dave, "Dad, what does Luke Skywalker do?" Dave responded, "How did you hear about Luke Skywalker?" In a very matter of fact tone and with all confidence Joshua replied, "At my work, I saw him. He was my friend."

ps...don't worry...we are already looking for an artificial tree

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