Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3.0 years of age!

"I'm done with the 2s and now I am 3. Am I growing up?" -Joshua as his birthday party ended.

Joshua has been anticipating turn 3 since we celebrated cousin Abigail's birthday on Thanksgiving. We celebrated with family and friends while playing sports, of course.

3-year old Joshua loves: singing, counting, reading, playing ball (of all kinds), playing guitar, asking questions, trucks, pirates, dinosaurs, Cars and watching Dora and Diego.

Joshua was recently heard telling Nana, "My favorite food is cole slaw and cookies." Joshua loves to eat salad, bread and fruit. I never seen him turn down an Oreo either. A frequent question at the dinner table is about what animals eat..."Dad, what animal eats hot dogs?"

Joshua loves going to daycare or as he calls it "school work." This was his report on his day yesterday, "We talked about dinosaurs today. They can talk like us. Big dinosaurs and little dinosaurs talk and so do birds. The man could not walk but 4 people took his mat and he picked up the mat and walked straight to Jesus. I didn't hit or push or scratch or tee tee in my underpants." As you can imagine some days are better than others in various aspects of the report after school but it never fails that he had fun.

Frequently heard Joshua quotes:

  • "I can do it myself."

  • "I don't need help."

  • "Help me please!"

  • "How was your hospital work Mama?"

  • "Dad, how was your library work?"

  • "Watch out for that car, Mama."

  • "Did you sleep good dad?"

  • "Let's play_________!" (fill in the blank with basketball, baseball, football, bowling, soccer, bouncing ball)

    • Dave is teaching Joshua about Star Wars and Super Heroes. The other day at a local restaurant Joshua swung a breadstick, as though it were a light saber, at the college student sitting at the table next to us. Good times!

      Dave and I are grateful to say "goodbye" to the terrible twos and look forward to saying "hello and please, stay a while" to the terrific threes!

      1 comment:

      Anita Kay said...

      I'm loving the daycare recap. Hilarious.