Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Taking a break in the spring

Spring Break took us to South Carolina to visit family. To say that Joshua is a champion car rider is an understatement. We made it a little over 400 miles Saturday with only one 15-minute stop and no tears or tantrums. What an answer to prayer!

Joshua loved having undivided attention from the Nolens. Buddy showed Joshua that popcorn can be popped in something besides a microwave.

Gran and Joshua read stories.

Dave and Joshua lined up Star Wars figurines while discussing "who is a good guy?" and "why?" and "who is a bad guy?" and "why?"

Buddy, Joshua and Dave played basketball in the driveway.

Buddy, Joshua and Dave played soccer in the driveway.

Buddy, Joshua and Dave played football in the driveway.

Joshua got to parade around Gran Robbye's assisted living facility as though he were a royal dignitary from a far away rich land.

And the same thing happened at Grandma's assisted living.

We had a sweet time visiting family we don't get to see often. We were blessed with beautiful weather and lots of memories.

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