Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The truth of the butterfly

Many of you may remember our pet butterfly Jar.  Jar had an entire blog post dedicated to her earlier in the year.  Here is the link to that post.  A couple weeks ago Joshua became aware that Jar had been sitting quietly on the buffet in the dining room, not moving, for a long time.  It started with a question or two every now and then, "Mama, why is Jar not moving?  Do you think she is asleep?"  Then it progressed to full out concern that something was wrong.  "Dad, do you think Jar is sick?"  The final blow was the heart wrenching "Why did Jar have to die like other animals?" 

Ok, ok, so it is obviously time for the truth to be told.  I was nervous of the ramifications of the long believed omission of the truth that Jar was not real.  The following conversation took place:

Dave: "Joshua, I think Jar just needs new batteries and then she will be just fine."
Joshua: "Batteries?  Why does she need batteries?  For energy?"
D: "Yes, the energy has run out of her batteries and we need to put new ones in.  Joshua do you know that Jar is not a real butterfly but kind of like a robot?"
J: "What?  You mean I have a ROBOT BUTTERFLY?!?  That is so cool.  Can I take her to show and tell and tell all my friends about my robot butterfly?"

Friday we got a note from Joshua's teacher that said, "Everyone loved Joshua's robot butterfly!  Thanks for sending it to share."

Thankfully, as cool as it was to have a pet butterfly now it is even cooler to have a pet robot butterfly that requires energy from batteries to work....disaster avoided.

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