Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Photo Debut

Anna Ruth Nolen is making her photo debut on the blog. 
We had these ultrasound pictures taken over a month ago but it tells the perfect story non-the-less.
As you may notice her hand is resting on her forehead as though she has had quite enough of this photo session and is ready to be left alone. 
We are hopeful this is not a sign of her future level of drama queen-ness.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

TOT Superstar

As reported in previous posts, Joshua is involved in a TOT (Teams of Tomorrow) program at his school.  Each week he has TOT class and learns a new "skill".  This week they had the privilige of performing the half-time show at the Starkville Academy Lady Volunteers basketball game.  As reported in other previous posts, Joshua often does not enjoy performing or even participating in events at times.  Much to our surprise, Joshua was excited about "doing my skills" all day Saturday.  He showed up with his TOT shirt, sweat band and basektball and didn't seem to bat an eye running out on the court for the halftime show.  In these videos, Joshua is the kid in the middle on the second row (the red hair helps identify him).  He has to chase his ball down a couple times but overall did pretty good.  We were so proud of his willingness to try and the growth we have seen in him.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Snow Day!

We heard there was a threat of snow last night and when we woke up this morning there was only a dusting on the ground.  By the time we ate breakfast the snow had picked up and there was enough for school to be cancelled and a "snow day" to be declared.
Joshua was so excited about the snow.  He had asked Tuesday morning on the way to school why it doesn't snow in winter here like it does in the book they read at school.  We talked about how Mississippi doesn't get a lot of snow.  So our few inches of snow made this Mississippi boy's day!
See below for another post...


Joshua is 4 and could not be prouder of himself.
We had a repeat of last year's birthday party this year at Joshua's request. 
An empty fellowship hall + all the balls and sports equipment in our house + a couple homemade games + boxed cake mix cupcakes decorated by Aunt B + a few good friends = "that was an awesome party Mama!
Joshua called this his "One Four Birthday Party".  His "Two Four Birthday Party" was at school on Monday when he took sports-themed cupcakes to share with his friends.  He is looking forward to his "Three Four Birthday Party" when Coach and Nana come to celebrate Saturday.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fickle Fan

Last week we took Joshua to a MSU basketball game.  Conference play had not started, the students were still out of town and the game was at 6:00 = perfect time for the Nolens to participate in something on campus!
Joshua was super excited about the game.  We sat extremely close to the floor and right behind the MSU bench.  We could see and hear everything, giving Joshua the chance to soak up the experience.  However, the first thing Joshua said was, "where is Bully?"  We explained that Bully would probably make his way over to see us at some point and tried to distract him back to the action on the floor.  No such luck!  Joshua probably said Bully's name 1,000,000 times before we left the game.  Bully did not come to our side of the floor and Joshua just stood there yelling, "Hey Bully, over here!" 
At one point, Bully went back down the tunnel and out of the gym.  Joshua stomped his foot and yelled, "Bully just left!  I am not a Mississippi State Fan anymore!" and sat down with his arms crossed. 
Before we left the game Dave and Joshua chased Bully down so that all would not be lost on coming to the basketball game.  Joshua's favorite part of the game, "hugging Bully and eating M&Ms." 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Eve Party

New Year's Eve was loud and exciting at Coach and Nana's house.
Joshua, Abigail and Luke partied with hats, horns, noise makers and cookies until about 7:30 at which point a New Year's parade broke out before bed. 

We are looking forward to what 2013 brings our way.
Happy New Year!