Wednesday, January 23, 2013

TOT Superstar

As reported in previous posts, Joshua is involved in a TOT (Teams of Tomorrow) program at his school.  Each week he has TOT class and learns a new "skill".  This week they had the privilige of performing the half-time show at the Starkville Academy Lady Volunteers basketball game.  As reported in other previous posts, Joshua often does not enjoy performing or even participating in events at times.  Much to our surprise, Joshua was excited about "doing my skills" all day Saturday.  He showed up with his TOT shirt, sweat band and basektball and didn't seem to bat an eye running out on the court for the halftime show.  In these videos, Joshua is the kid in the middle on the second row (the red hair helps identify him).  He has to chase his ball down a couple times but overall did pretty good.  We were so proud of his willingness to try and the growth we have seen in him.

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