Wednesday, April 17, 2013

after further review...

...the video evidence confirms we are having a girl. 

I was confident in the not so confident speculation from the first ultrasound where we were told, "it's a girl, I think" and "don't go home and paint anything pink because I don't want you to be mad at me later."  But then well meaning people trying to make conversation told endless stories of having to return $1,000,000 worth of baby gear because they had been told the baby was one flavor and it turned out to be another, and I started to doubt. 
A couple Mondays ago, Joshua and I got to see Anna Ruth in another ultrasound session.  She is a she and as reported by the sonographer, "has a large head."  (Thanks a lot, buddy!) Joshua's favorite part was seeing that Anna Ruth was sucking her thumb to which he shrieked, "JUST LIKE ME!" and "She is so cute!" 

So, the ruling on the field will stand and we are excitedly waiting for her arrival.

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