Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Anna Ruth!

We are so excited that Anna Ruth decided to enter the world on Sunday.  What an exciting Mother's Day present for me!
After much debate among Dave and myself we finally decided I was in enough labor to go to the hospital around 3:15am Sunday morning.  Dear friends from church came over and stayed with Joshua while Nana made her way from Jackson in the wee hours. 
The long and short of the day was: I was in labor and progressing "nicely" according to the nurse.  Then labor stopped.  Doctor started inducing labor.  Labor was super slow.  Hours passed.  Little progress made.  Hours passed.  Looking like a C-section was in order.  Suddenly Anna Ruth decided enough was enough at 5:56pm, 14 hours after getting to the hospital made a very quick entrance into the world that stunned us all.
She is, of course, perfect, all 8lbs 2.5oz of her.  (The first thing the doctor said as she was delivering Anna Ruth was "Wow, look at those cheeks!)
Joshua has been a champ of a big brother.  He got to see her Sunday night before he went to bed and came back on Monday to have a birthday party for her at the hospital.  He likes to kiss her and is trying to be patient while waiting for "her plug to drop off" (her cord). 
We came home Tuesday and are adjusting to all things baby girl.
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement over the past 9 months.  We are grateful to be blessed with being the parents of such a precious gift.



Alison H said...

Amelia! Congrats on your sweet baby girl! It would seem we are following along similar paths… you with boy then girl and me with girl then boy! And isn't Joshua 4 yrs old? Lucy is 4 (Jan bday). And Will is Jan 15. Precious phase, huh? Blessings to you guys!

The Armstrongs said...
