Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Check-up Check-in: AR @ 4 months

 Anna Ruth is growing like a weed.  She loves to sit in the Bumbo seat and watch all the happenings around the house. 

She is still a very happy little girl.

She weighs 15lb 12oz and is 26 inches tall.
(Joshua was this exact height and weight when he was 6 months old.)

She was given a shout out in the daycare newsletter this month.
Ms. Tamika's report on Room 3 said, "We are having a blast getting to know one another in here, if I can just get Anna Ruth to stay awake a little longer.  But she is a sweet and lovable baby."
My response..."don't mess with a good thing, Ms. Tamika!"

Anna Ruth still spits up ALL THE TIME. In fact, I have stopped four times in the course of writing this blog to clean up spit up.  She just smiles and laughs and spits up some more while we clean up.  We are considering asking Tide and Clorox Wipes if they would be willing to sponsor her education after the investment we have made in cleaning up her messes.

As is evident by Ms. Tamika's report, Anna Ruth is a sleeper!  She takes good naps (several of them) during the day and sleeps well at night.  A couple weeks ago she slept through the night 4 out of 7 nights.  Otherwise she is waking only once and goes right back to sleep after being fed.

Anna Ruth loves her brother.  Joshua loves his sister.
They make a good combo!
I think Anna Ruth's thought bubble might read, "Maybe if I act like I don't see him he will stop acting like a monkey."

On a separate note, Joshua leaves for Disney World in 5 days and has his first soccer practice tomorrow night = definition of supreme excitement!

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