Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Check-up Check-in: Anna Ruth is 18 months old!

This big girl is one and a half!
Where in the world has the time gone?
She had a great check-up last week.
She weighs 22 pounds and is 31.5 inches tall.

Anna Ruth is a ham.  She loves to laugh and smile.
She is a great eater.  Her favorite foods are still black eyed peas and prunes (sometimes mixed together) and ice cream.  Anna Ruth can go from hungry to hangry really quickly.  So we try to stay on top of her appetite needs.

She is a talker!  Constantly jabbering in a language unknown to anyone else.
She is using several signs and doesn't seem to have any difficulty letting us know what she wants.
She loves her friends at school and this week has started hugging them good-bye each afternoon.
Anna Ruth is a dancer and a singer!  She likes "If You're Happy and You Know It," "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Jesus Loves Me."

Anna Ruth loves book, dogs and baby dolls.  She doesn't necessarily want books to be read to her.  She prefers to sit in your lap and passionately turn the pages.  She loves and kisses her babies like in the picture above.

We have so enjoyed having Anna Ruth in our family.  She brings a calm and upbeat feeling to the house.  She loves her brother and squeals with delight each evening when she hears the garage door open as Dave is coming home.  Anna Ruth is a daddy's girl!

We are grateful for her good health and development and look forward to what God has in store for her and us.
Happy Half Birthday Punky!

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