Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Things to remember

Joshua has been nervous about a school project.  He and his classmates are writing letters to Santa and Joshua says, "I can't think of anything I want to ask Santa for.  I have been thinking and thinking but everything I think I might want I already have.  I think I'll tell him to surprise me."  

He also had the following conversation with Nana last weekend:
Nana: "Who are your friends at school?"
Joshua: "I can't tell you that, it's top secret."
N: "Well, what is your favorite thing about school?"
J: "Recess."
He proceeded to tell her about there being other classes on the playground when his class it playing.
N: "Oh that is nice.  So I guess you get to play with other kids who aren't in your class when you go to recess."
J: "I don't play with kids from other classes because they are strangers and there is danger.  They might be in first grade and take me back to their class instead of letting me go back to my class and that would be bad.  So I only play with the kids in my class."

In other news...Anna Ruth got to use markers in her class yesterday!

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