Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another Work Funny

I promise to post some pictures from the recent baby shower and painting party. But this post must be devoted to a hilarious comment made by one of my patients this week.

Let me build the scene: Mr. "C" lives next door to his granddaughter who I am pretty convinced is addicted to meth and breeds pit bulls, rottweilers, and chihuahuas and in her spare time checks on him and brings him food throughout the day.

I visited Mr. "C" on Monday. He gave the usual answers to the usual questions. But then started telling me about his weekend. He reported that he thought his granddaughter was going to die this past weekend because her heart had stopped beating. Stunned, I asked what happened. He stated, "I don't know. Her heart stopped beating and some man, who happened to be at her house, performed that artificial.. (pause for thinking) artificial.. (pause for thinking again) artificial insemination and got her heart beating again." Stifling laughter, I asked him to tell me again what happened. "Oh" he starts again, "her heart stopped beating and the artificial insemination got it working again. Then the had to do p-c-r because she was inhydramationed. After that they took her to the hospital and she got an iv and is doing better now."

I tried to look as concerned as I could while at the same time trying not to laugh and trying to decipher what in the world he was talking about. We still don't know exactly what went on this weekend. But I did see his granddaughter pulling out of the driveway a few minutes later and she didn't look "inhydramationed" anymore...thank goodness!


The Cooks said...

This is too funny...I don't know how you held it together!

Camille said...

What a professional you are! That is hilarious. You two have the best stories. Hope you and Joshua are well.