Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Checking in with not much news...

Things have been quiet in Starkville. Well, that is not altogether true, classes started a couple weeks ago which causes the population to nearly double from it's summertime average. With the start of fall semester, Dave has been busy at work but always calls it a "good busy."

I have been working part time since the beginning of August. As you can imagine, I love that! I have been able to get a lot done and I certainly don't feel as tired at the end of the week as I once was.

Things seem to be on schedule with the baby (Joshua), who is turning out to be quite an active little guy. The doctor had to chase him all over my stomach today in order to get a steady heartbeat reading.

We have had a lot of rain over the past few weeks. Anyway day now we expect the entire Smurf village to move into the mushrooms growing in the backyard. .
Dave has been mowing over the mushrooms but then it just rains again for several days and they grow back.

We enjoyed the Labor Day weekend in Jackson with my parents. Not only were we fed well but we registered for baby stuff and watched college football on the big screen. It was a fun weekend. I did however see something quite disturbing at Babies-R-Us while registering. You will have to click on this link that will take you to a picture of the Cozy Crib Tent II. The near nightmare inducing part of this product is the picture of the cat in the second circle seemingly trying to claw it's way into the crib. Dave's grandmother apparently once said that cats will suck your breath during the night and based on this picture, I'm starting to believe that.

Have a great week.


bensmom said...

I've been waiting patiently for a posting. :) Glad to hear you are doing well.

I love the name Joshua.

Can we see a pregnant pic?

The Cooks said...

I love the name!! Great to hear an update from you guys! Pregnant pics would be great!

About two weeks ago I had a lady tell me she had one of those tents for her granddaughter. I've seen them before, but never known anyone to use it! The little girl in the picture looks really excited or horribly angry that she's in a tent! Too funny!

Lorelle said...

Hey Amelia- I hope you're feeling good- looking forward to belly pics!

I'm sure the "tent" or "cage" looks appalling, but I know several families who have used it when there 11 and 14 month olds would climb out of the crib and fall onto the floor. Ouch!

Anna Beall said...

Dave and Amelia

Congratulations! I know this is a little late, but we are excited for y'all! We'll be praying for a healthy baby boy and safe delivery. Price and I are already praying for my brother and his wife's soon-to-be arriving baby, so we'll add you to the list!


P.S. 3 to 2? Come On! Auburn could have two losses now. Talk to Sly about that for me.