Wednesday, March 25, 2009

10-weeks old

It is hard to believe that Joshua is 10 weeks old today.

By all accounts, his 10th week was a good one. We had a blast with Dave home from work for the week. Thursday we headed to Jackson to watch March Madness with the Gladneys and Hunsbergers. What a treat to get to see the Hunsbergers again so soon! Our weekend in Jackson was filled with basketball and babies...what more could you ask for?

Joshua has started "singing and talking" to us this week too. It's fun watching him discover his voice.

Here are some pictures from our fun weekend: (Aunt Glo posted other ones on her blog too)

Nothing beats tummy time with Dad:

Fist bump for good results in the basketball game:

One way to determine a cousin photo shoot is over:

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

9-weeks old

What a week! We have been busy, busy. Dave had a great trip to Seattle and Joshua and I had a blast in Birmingham. Joshua got to meet Uncle Chad and spend quality time with Aunt Glo, Abigail and Aunt B. He visited Aunt B's class Friday afternoon and met her students, which was a treat. Joshua also got to meet our good friend Alex. Alex lives in Huntsville and was in Birmingham visiting his Gran so we stopped by to say hello.

Sunday, on our way back to Starkville, Joshua and I went to church at Riverwood in Tuscaloosa. It was great to see our friends we miss so much and to spend some time catching up.

Dave took vacation this week and has been home with us. We have had a good time hanging out and doing stuff around town. Our dear friends the Carrolls came to visit today. We got to meet their sweet new baby, Nathan, and visit over lunch and a game of backyard t-ball.

Joshua has been a trooper this week and has allowed me to cart him all over the place without any trouble. I am grateful for such an easygoing baby.

Alex is practicing holding a baby before Baby Hatfield arrives:
Photo op with Cousin Abigail:

"Just Chillin'"
Crazy Uncle Chad:

Aunt B keeping everyone happy:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

8-weeks old

Joshua is 8-weeks old today! It is hard to believe that he has lived with us for that long. He also had his 2 month check up with the pediatrician today. Joshua is now 22 3/4 inches tall (75th percentile), and 10lbs 6oz (50th percentile). All three of us survived the three shots he received today too. And just like the last time Dave went to the doctor with us, Joshua wet on Dave's leg while the doctor was doing the examination. I couldn't help but laugh.
Sadly, almost all of Joshua's red hair has fallen out. Well, at least all of it that was on top of his head. There is still a lot of bright red hair around the back of his head. I am hopeful that when his hair grows back that it will still be red.
Joshua and I are going to Birmingham tomorrow for a long weekend while Dave heads to Seattle for a conference. We are excited that Dave has taken next week off and will be home with us!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Joshua's First Mission Project

Friday, Joshua and I went to Jackson while Dave went on a retreat. We enjoyed our time with Coach and Nana. Joshua got to see GG, Aunt Joy, Uncle Mike and Tanner while we were visiting.
Saturday, we participated in Shine 09, a mission project coordinated by 3 churches in Jackson (one of which was FBC Jackson). Joshua wore his overalls for the work day at an elementary school. As the youngest participant in the mission project, his job was to provide encouragement to the hundreds of people working. Joshua seemed to really enjoy being outside and did a good job giving smiles to the other volunteers.
Here are a few pictures from the day:

Friday, March 6, 2009

Big Man on Campus

Yesterday, I took Joshua to campus to visit his dad at the library. Joshua soon learned that he has quite a cheering section there. He got to meet Ms. LaToya who is quite possibly Joshua's #1 fan. She is a faithful reader of our blog and was the recipient of some spit up as a reward for holding Joshua yesterday. Thankfully, he did not spit up on the dean while she was holding him. We were nervous there for a minute. It was a lot of fun to visit Dave at work.
Here is a picture of Ms. LaToya and her "new best friend":

A friend of ours from church came over last night to take pictures of Joshua. As soon as we get those back from her I'll post some of them.

We hope everyone has a restful weekend.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

7-weeks old

It's Wednesday, so Joshua is a week older. Today he is 7-weeks old.
In honor of this birthday milestone, Joshua decided to go 7 hours between feedings last night! What a great present he gave his mom for his birthday!
As you can see from the picture above, Joshua was not initially excited to have his picture taken this morning but quickly warmed up to the idea and gave me some cute grins.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This morning we woke to snow on the ground.

Not knowing how long it would be before it started melting, Dave and I dressed Joshua in his snowbear suit and went outside. While dressing Joshua, Dave commented, "I am glad we don't live in the Northeast where we have to put him in this suit everytime we go anywhere."

Joshua seemed unimpressed by the snow and kept his eyes closed the whole time. As soon as we got back into the warm house, he opened his eyes and was ready to play.

Enjoy the snow where you live (it is melting fast here) and stay warm!