Friday, March 6, 2009

Big Man on Campus

Yesterday, I took Joshua to campus to visit his dad at the library. Joshua soon learned that he has quite a cheering section there. He got to meet Ms. LaToya who is quite possibly Joshua's #1 fan. She is a faithful reader of our blog and was the recipient of some spit up as a reward for holding Joshua yesterday. Thankfully, he did not spit up on the dean while she was holding him. We were nervous there for a minute. It was a lot of fun to visit Dave at work.
Here is a picture of Ms. LaToya and her "new best friend":

A friend of ours from church came over last night to take pictures of Joshua. As soon as we get those back from her I'll post some of them.

We hope everyone has a restful weekend.

1 comment:

bensmom said...

I love the picture of Joshua and Dave in his office- so cute!