Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Kitchen Chair

We have entered a new phase at the Nolen house.
Joshua now has a tooth!
After much pain and many tears his bottom right-center tooth has successfully arrived.
Dave and I would like to express our appreciation to the makers of Night Time Orajel and Children's Motrin for their help in keeping us sane.
This is the last picture of a toothless smile.
We tried to snap a photo of the new tooth without success. Neither of us have been allowed to examine Joshua's bottom gums since Tuesday. For all we know, he could have several teeth down there. But I think it would take some heavy duty machinery to pry Joshua's mouth open for us to get a good look.
Joshua is a quick study. He signaled touchdown several times during lunch today.
(I guess this is the result of us watching nearly 12 hours of football 2 Saturdays in a row.)
Joshua makes this "Popeye" face all the time. We crack up every time he does it. What is funnier is when we mimic the face back to him, Joshua laughs at us.

I know what you are thinking...

"Wow, Amelia sure takes a lot of pictures of Joshua in the kitchen chair."

To which I would reply, "You're right. It is the only place we can restrain him enough to get a decent picture of him these days."

We have had so much rain over the last 40 days and 40 nights we are considering planting rice or growing crawfish in our backyard as a creative way to start raising money for Joshua's college fund.


Melissa said...

I love, love, love all the pictures of Joshua! He is so cute and very expressive! Hopefully one day our kids can play together!

bensmom said...

love the touchdown and popeye pictures. cute post :)

Camille said...

Rice and catfish are a much better idea than the mosquitoes we're growing in our backyard! So glad y'all made it through the tooth! He's so cute!

LJ Life and Literature said...

anderson's first tooth sprouted this week also! they must be ready for steak. ~sara lj