Wednesday, March 3, 2010

At the dinner table...

Since Dave works on Wednesday nights, Joshua and I usually have a quiet dinner of leftovers at home. Here is a snippet of our dinner "conversation" from this evening.

Another peak at our supper table.

Coach and Nana graciously volunteered to come keep Joshua last weekend allowing Dave and me a night out. Unfortunately, Dave got sick and we couldn't go out. However, Joshua played hookie from school Friday so he could spend the day with his grandparents. He had a great time and by the end of the day I think all 3 of them were worn out.

Joshua's school sends home a "care card" each day detailing the events of the day. The first line that informs parents of their child's overall mood for the day includes: playful, fretful, tired and sick as the options to choose from. Lately Joshua's teacher has been writing in "funny" as Joshua's mood. In addition to the usual care card, today we received the school's monthly newsletter. Every month, each teacher submits a short summary of the classroom's achievements from the previous month. Ms. Susan wrote, "Joshua, who is walking, is the class comedian!" as part of her summary. We have no idea what Joshua is doing at school but it appears that he is entertaining anyone who will pay attention. Maybe he and Dave could combine their comedy routines and take their show on the road!

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