Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hot and cold

Friday and Saturday we had beautiful weather. Joshua loves to be outside and fusses only when he has to come in. He and Amelia picked up approximately 100,000 sticks in the backyard and piled them up. Then he and Dave ran around and played with the bouncy ball. It was so nice to be outside and play.
Then early Sunday is started raining. While we were at church Sunday morning, huge SNOWFLAKES started coming down. So, obviously, there was no playing outside Sunday. Instead we came home and dressed Joshua in his favorite cold weather outfit...his Halloween shirt (that glows in the dark), baggy seat pants and one sock.

Dave and I had the opportunity to attend a parenting conference Friday and Saturday that our church co-sponsored with another church in town. This was an excellent conference, hopefully the audio from the weekend will be post on our church's website soon. When it is posted I'll provide a link.

Joshua has always loved routine, even down to cutting teeth. He has been cutting only one tooth a month for the past 5 months. The tooth would come in sometime around the 2nd or 3rd of the month-every month. This month has been a monstrous tooth month. He has had all 4 molars cut through and a tooth in front on both the top and bottom. I am thankful that we do not carry the memory of cutting baby teeth with us our whole lives. Dave and I are hopeful that we will soon forget how painful Joshua's teething has been for us too.

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