Wednesday, July 28, 2010

When dad is away...

Dave went to Rhode Island Thursday to present at a conference. So while he was away, Joshua and I went to Jackson. We had a great time but missed Dave.

Joshua and Abigail played in the fountain at the Renaissance Center.

Joshua went to his first baseball game with Coach. We saw the Mississippi Braves play Sunday night.

As if the baseball game weren't exciting enough, Joshua also ate his first Oreo Sunday night.

Joshua and Abigail went to the Splash Park in Brandon...twice. The first time we went they took to the water immediately and did not want to go home.

Joshua fed the ducks with Nana.

The second time we went to the Splash Park we pulled up at the same time 2 bus loads of summer campers pulled up. In hind sight, Gloria and I decided we should have just turned around and gone home when we saw the buses, but we had already dressed and sun screened the babies and we were determined to play in the water.

Initially the babies had a great time. But after about 5 minutes of sharing the park with a bunch of big kids, Joshua and Abigail did a lot more watching than playing.

We are all back home together. Dave's presentation went well and he really enjoyed his conference. Joshua went back to school today for the last 3 days in Ms. Susan's class before he moves into Ms. Rosemary's class next week. We are praying for a smooth transition as he will have to nap on a cot instead of in a baby bed. Ms. Rosemary may need some prayers too.


B. Nagel said...

(Apologies for the unrelated comment. Feel free to delete after David sees.)

Only half an hour left, David!

Gay Prescott said...

Great Post. I'm so glad Joshua is learning about the good things in life - baseball and Oreos!
Love you